for reforming the Income Tax code.
The Executive Director, Jeff Kupfer, was on cspan WJ this morning.
He is a typical Shrub supporter who really didn't directly answer any difficult questions, but...they do have a web site that shows the times, and locations of all the meetings they are going to have in different cities across the country, AND A LINK FOR THE PUBLIC TO SEND THEIR COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS!
I think we all should think about the fundemental changes we'd like to see in the Income Tax Code, and send suggestions to this group. is a snip describing how to submit your comments or suggestions.
To facilitate the Advisory Panel's consideration and review, we have established two methods by which statements can be submitted. Please use only one of the methods when submitting comments.
Transmission by Email as a MS Word attachment to
Typewritten statements may be mailed to the panel at:
The President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform
1440 New York Avenue NW
Suite 2100
Washington, DC 20220
Page Limit - The Advisory Panel strongly encourages parties to limit their statements to a maximum length of 5 pages of double-spaced written text in 12 point font.
Identification and Cover Sheet - Each page of the submission should be clearly marked with the submitter's name or organization name. Each submission should also include a cover page with the submitter's name (and organization if applicable), date of submission, and contact information (if the submitter chooses to provide it). Each submission should be clearly marked as originating from one of the following categories of submitters: Individuals, Business, Government, or Organizations and Associations.
Request for Comments #1 (Posted February 16, 2005 )
Statements submitted in connection with the panel's first request for comments must be received by the Advisory Panel no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 18, 2005. Please be aware that all comments will be made available to the public.
At this time, the Panel is soliciting comments on the following questions:
Headaches, unnecessary complexity, and burdens that taxpayers - both individuals and businesses - face because of the existing system.
Aspects of the tax system that are unfair.
Specific examples of how the tax code distorts important business or personal decisions.
Goals that the Panel should try to achieve as it evaluates the existing tax system and recommends options for reform.
Comments outside the scope of these specific matters will be considered separately. However, the Advisory Panel requests that the comments to these specific questions follow the format and guidelines described above.