Washington Post reported that Halliburton, the company formerly headed by Vice President Cheney, has won contracts worth billions of dollars out of Operation Iraqi Freedom from no-bid contracts BushCo awarded it. Here is a partial breakdown:
Fully one-third of the $3.9 billion per month cost of keeping U.S. troops in Iraq is going directly to Halliburton.
$1 billion has been paid Halliburton through mid-August alone, plus ...
$705 million for an initial round of oil field work.
$142 million for base camp operations in Kuwait.
$170 million for logistical support for Iraqi reconstruction.
$28 million for construction of POW camps.
$39 million for base camps in Jordan.
$183 million for Afghanistan.
A staggering $300 million jumbo contract for the Navy, and (brace yourself) ...
An eye-popping $7 billion to put out non-existent fires at Iraqi oil wells.
The sheer size of Halliburton's incredible windfall from BushCo is breathtaking - and, there's no end in sight!
5. Vice President Dick Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton, the world's largest oil pipeline manufacturer, during the 1990s. Will you finally admit that Cheney, through September 2001, used his influence as vice president to make deals with the Taliban and others to build an oil pipeline through Afghanistan down to a failing Enron power plant in Dabhol, India, near Bombay? Isn't it true that a Taliban representative was in Washington, D.C. on 9-11 to discuss that very project?
6. Why is it that the unfolding scandal of Halliburton's own corrupt accounting practices, similar to Enron's, costing taxpayers and stockholders hundreds of millions of dollars, which occurred while Cheney was CEO in the late '90s, is given so little attention in the media at this time?