and a documented track record and resolutions to prove it. There us more from pre-March times but it would take me too long to find it right now. This is a representative sample from March - June
Kucinich on the Cost of War Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), who leads opposition in the House to the war in Iraq, issued the following statement on the cost of war:
"The bill for this unprovoked attack is just starting to come in, and the American people should start worrying that Administration has lost control over the costs.""In fiscal terms, the costs for this unprovoked, and therefore preventable, war could have covered giving every American child safe, enriching pre-kindergarten classes or every American senior citizen prescription drug coverage for one year. "
"It is shameful and irresponsible that the Administration released this information only after Congress considered and approved its fiscal budget for 2004. The budget, passed by Congress after war had begun, included a $700 billion tax give away to the wealthy, but not the cost of war. "
"The Administration's priorities are out of step with what America needs, and this war will cause America more problems than it could ever solve: it will fan anti-American flames overseas, divert attention from unmet domestic needs, such as stimulating the weak economy, and plunge the U.S. government deeper into debt that today's children will be paying when they are adults."
"Americans are beginning to learn the cost of war in terms of human life. It is time to reflect on what this war will cost America in terms of the brave men and women who serve, in terms of the loss of innocent life, the sacrifice of the domestic agenda and the ruination of America’s standing in the world."
House Ways and Means Subcommittee on TradeAmerica needs a healthy domestic steel industry and we must protect the steelworkers who built up this great nation.
But between 1997 and 2002, America’s steel industry and its workers were under attack by foreign companies illegally dumping steel into the American economy, sending 35 steel companies into bankruptcy and costing 54,000 industry employees their jobs.
As a result, I am proud of the efforts of the Steel Caucus, which continually advocated for the Administration to initiate a Section 201 steel investigation into these imports. We also succeeded in pushing the International Trade Commission to recognize the devastating effect of steel imports through a finding of injury. We even gathered with 25,000 steelworkers on the ellipse to make sure the President imposed an effective tariff to help stem the tide of imports.
One year later, this remedy is working and it must be continued. In my hometown of Cleveland, it helped us find a new owner to keep our steel mills running. Industry-wide since the Section 201 relief was implemented, domestic steel is beginning to see signs of a recovery: domestic producers have experienced incremental improvements in revenues, operating income, and capacity utilization.
Additionally, the industry has made significant progress toward restructuring and consolidation. The International Steel Group (ISG), which came into existence following its purchase of LTV, has agreed to acquire the assets of Bethlehem Steel. US Steel announced plans to purchase National Steel. Section 201 relief, if allowed to run its course, will result in a more competitive domestic industry.
The tariffs have also caused a modest price recovery in industry. Prices for hot rolled steel rose from historic lows of only $210 per ton in December 2001 to around $300 per ton today. But even so, prices for all major flat rolled products are still below 20-year historical averages, and steel imports still remain approximately 25 percent of the market.
The tariffs were a good start, and they must be allowed to continue. The United States has finally made clear that it is no longer willing to serve as the World’s Steel Dumping Ground. The United States has also made clear that the national security of our country requires a strong and viable domestic steel supplier base. Only the continuation of the 201 tariffs will mitigate the harm of unfairly traded imports and assist the industry in a critical recovery. Keep the steel tariffs working!
This War is Wrong and Must End! Today, at a press conference on Capitol Hill, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), who leads opposition to the war in Iraq, issued the following statement:
"This Administration has never made its case for war against Iraq. It is an unjustified war, which the Administration continues to misrepresent and exaggerate. The most recent example is the Administration's characterization of international coalition support for this war."
"This morning, President Bush once again exaggerated the extent of support for the war stating that the coalition of countries supporting this war is larger than the 1991 Gulf War. What Bush failed to mention was that back in 1991, all of the 34 coalition members offered military force, by contributing troops on the ground, aircraft, ships or medics. "
"This war involves the troops of only the U.S., Britain, Australia, Poland and Albania. Not even the three members of the Security Council that support the war, Spain, Italy, and Bulgaria are committing military support."
"This Bush Administration has been adding coalition member to their list based on statements of “moral” support. As the Washington Post reported last week, if this type of criteria was used back in 1991, the size of the coalition would likely have topped 100 countries."
"Further, the total cost of the Gulf War to the United States was around $4 billion dollars. This time, the President has come to Congress requesting a $75 billion bill, all of which will be paid by U. S. taxpayers. Clearly, military and economic support from countries is far more important than statements of 'well-wishes'."
"This war must end now. It was unjust when it started last week, and is still unjust today. The U.S. should get out now and try to save the lives of American troops and Iraqi citizens. Most importantly, ending the war now and resuming weapons inspections could salvage world opinion of the United States, which has been deteriorating since the talk of war began. After all, the greatest threat to the United States at this time is terrorism, which is breeding from this war."
Kucinich: President Continues to Mislead The Country About the War Today, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), who leads opposition in the House to the war in Iraq, issued the following statement:
"Today, President Bush said the following to Coast Guard personnel: Our victory will remove a sponsor of terror, armed with weapons of terror. Our victory will uphold the just demands of the United Nations and the civilized world."
"This statement is another example of rhetoric that the Administration is using to mislead the public in the war against Iraq. Iraq has not been proven to have weapons of mass destruction, by either the United Nations or the United States. Further, this statement falsely implies that the United Nations and 'the civilized world' sanctioned war in Iraq. It also incorrectly implies that the United Nations sanctioned regime change and the removal of Saddam Hussein."
"This Administration has consistently misled the public on the cost of war, the cause for war, the facts of war, and the support for war. It is time to end this war immediately and bring the troops home."
Kucinich Takes To House Floor To Oppose War Supplemental Vows To Oppose Supplemental; Offers Amendment to Bring Troops Home
Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), who leads opposition to the war in Iraq within the House, spoke today on the House floor in opposition to the war supplemental and offer an amendment to bring the troops home.
Kucinich issued the following statement:
"I support the troops. But, this war is illegal and wrong. I do not support this mission. I will not vote to fund this Administration’s war in Iraq."
"This war is not about defending the United States from a foreign threat in Iraq. This war is not about the U.S. trying to save or liberate the Iraqi people. This is not about an Iraqi nuclear threat. Iraq did not attack the United States. The United Nations (UN) did not approve this war as being necessary to protect international security. In addition, this Administration did not provide evidence for its claims that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD) prior to military conflict. And, several key pieces of evidence have been shown to be fraudulent."
"This war is killing our troops. This war is killing innocent Iraqi civilians. This war must end now. It was unjust when it started two weeks ago, and is still unjust today. The U.S. should get out now and try to save the lives of American troops and Iraqi citizens."
"Many members of the Republican Leadership have demonstrated how to vote against war funding and support our troops. On December 13, 1995, the House, under the control of Speaker Gingrich, considered HR 2770. This bill, a “prohibition of funds for deployment of Armed Forces in Bosnia,” was introduced by Rep. Bob Dornan (R-CA). Many leading Republicans, such as Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert, Bill Thomas, Duncan Hunter and Henry Hyde, voted to cut-off funds for the military action while troops were deployed in Bosnia. In fact, 82% of Republicans voted to cut off the funds while troops were deployed in Bosnia."
"Ending the war now and resuming weapons inspections could salvage world opinion of the United States. The greatest threat to the United States at this time is terrorism, which this war will breed."
During debate, Kucinich offered an amendment to bring the troops home immediately. The Kucinich amendment would cut $19.3 billion from Operation Iraqi Freedom Fund. The amendment would leave $30.3 billion to fund the war to date, plus $10 billion to get the troops out of Iraq. The amendment would save taxpayers $19.4 billion or could be used for increased homeland security, education, healthcare, or veterans funds.
Kucinich will vote 'no' on final passage of the war supplemental.
Kucinich Takes to The House Floor To Call For An End to The War Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), who leads opposition to the War in Iraq within the House, issued the following statement on the House floor:
"Stop the war now. As Baghdad will be encircled, this is the time to get the UN back in to inspect Baghdad and the rest of Iraq for biological and chemical weapons. Our troops should not have to be the ones who will find out, in combat, whether Iraq has such weapons. Why put our troops at greater risk? We could get the United Nations inspectors back in.
"Stop the war now. Before we send our troops into house-to-house combat in Baghdad, a city of five million people. Before we ask our troops to take up the burden of shooting innocent civilians in the fog of war.
"Stop the war now. This war has been advanced on lie upon lie. Iraq was not responsible for 9/11. Iraq was not responsible for any role al-Qaeda may have had in 9/11. Iraq was not responsible for the anthrax attacks on this country. Iraq did not try to acquire nuclear weapons technology from Niger. This war is built on falsehood.
"Stop the war now. We are not defending America in Iraq. Iraq did not attack this nation. Iraq has no ability to attack this nation. Each innocent civilian casualty represents a threat to America for years to come and will end up making our nation less safe. The seventy-five billion dollar supplemental needs to be challenged because each dime we spend on this war makes America less safe. Only international cooperation will help us meet the challenge of terrorism. After 9/11 all Americans remember we had the support and the sympathy of the world. Every nation was ready to be of assistance to the United States in meeting the challenge of terrorism. And yet, with this war, we have squandered the sympathy of the world. We have brought upon this nation the anger of the world. We need the cooperation of the world, to find the terrorists before they come to our shores.
"Stop this war now. Seventy-five billion dollars more for war. Three-quarters of a trillion dollars for tax cuts, but no money for veterans ' benefits. Money for war. No money for health care in America, but money for war. No money for social security, but money for war. We have money to blow up bridges over the Tigris and the Euphrates, but no money to build bridges in our own cities. We have money to ruin the health of the Iraqi children, but no money to repair the health of our own children and our educational programs.
"Stop this war now. It is wrong. It is illegal. It is unjust and it will come to no good for this country.
"Stop this war now. Show our wisdom and our humanity, to be able to stop it, to bring back the United Nations into the process. Rescue this moment. Rescue this nation from a war that is wrong, that is unjust, that is immoral.
"Stop this war now".
04/01/2003 Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs: Affirmative Action Is Necessary And Must Be Preserved Today, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in the historic University of Michigan affirmative action case. The court will consider whether state educators can consider race as a factor in law and undergraduate admissions. Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) and Barbara Lee (D-CA), today, called on the Supreme Court to uphold affirmative action and rule in favor of the University of Michigan.
Today, Co-Chairs Kucinich and Lee issued the following joint statement:
"Affirmative action is necessary, affirmative action is right, and affirmative action must be preserved.
"For the first time since Brown v. Board of Education, which opened up educational opportunities for millions of Americans, our public schools are becoming increasingly segregated by race.
"In our cities, indices of black-white segregation suggest extreme separation of minorities far beyond the levels reported in other multi-racial societies such as Brazil, Canada, Australia, and the UK. In fact, the only other nation where minority segregation indices routinely exceed those reported in the United States was the Union of South Africa under apartheid.
"Segregation in our cities leads to dire consequences in the educational environment for minorities. High minority school districts receive far less in state and local educational funding than districts that have predominantly white students.
"America's diversity is strength, not a weakness, and it is absolutely critical that we nurture programs that enhance opportunities for those who have been historically left behind. To do nothing, to abolish affirmative action, is to use de jure means to fall back into the de facto segregation
of the past, which made a mockery of democracy, equality, liberty and justice - the very values on which this nation was founded.
"Affirmative action is still essential because a truly level playing field is still an elusive goal, not a reality. Today, we stand united in our support of affirmative action and the University of Michigan. Our nation is at a critical junction; the Supreme Court must not send our nation back into some of the darkest moments in our history, but instead lead our nation to a fair and just future."
Both Kucinich and Lee joined 110 Members of Congress, on February 18, 2003, in signing a friend of the court brief on behalf of the University of Michigan.
Kucinich Introduces Legislation to Create Cabinet Level Department of Peace
With our nation at war in Iraq, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), today, reintroduced legislation to create a cabinet level Department of Peace.
The legislation, introduced in the last Congress, embodies a broad-based approach to peaceful, non-violent conflict resolution at both domestic and international levels. The Department of Peace would serve to promote non-violence as an organizing principle in our society, and help to create the conditions for a more peaceful world.
Domestically, the Department would be responsible for developing policies, which address issues such as domestic violence, child abuse, and mistreatment of the elderly. Internationally, the Department would analyze foreign policy and make recommendations to the President on matters pertaining to national security, including the protection of human rights and the prevention and de-escalation of unarmed and armed international conflict.
"Now, more than ever, this legislation is urgently needed," stated Kucinich. "Our current foreign policy makes our nation less safe and will make it impossible to meet our domestic needs. This legislation offers an path towards peace and prosperity."
The bill already has 47 original co-sponsors in the House of Representatives.
"Kucinich: Administration's Agenda of Tax Cuts For The Wealthy and War Will Leave Nations Needs Unmet" "This Administration's domestic agenda of tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent and an aggressive foreign policy will leave our pressing domestic needs unmet," stated Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich today.
“Today, on tax day, we are once again reminded of the misplaced priorities of this Administration.
“Domestically, our economy is hurting, unemployment is high, and we are losing larger numbers of jobs from the manufacturing industry and all this Administration can talk about is tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent. It is clear that the Administration’s flawed economic policy is out of step with the needs of our nation.
“Abroad, this Administration is pursuing an aggressive foreign policy that will further isolate the United States from the world community and hamper our ability to confront the threat of terrorism. This Administration’s policy in Iraq, and now Syria, is isolating the US and squandering international sympathy created in the wake of 9/11.
“Combined the Administration’s tax cuts and aggressive foreign policy will leave our nation’s needs unmet. Already, this Administration’s policy has led to cuts in spending on important domestic needs such as education, health care, veterans benefits, and child care. Our nation’s needs will continue to go unmet as long as this Administration continues to press forwarded with a flawed economic plan and a dangerous, aggressive foreign policy.
"Kucinich Calls Administration's Rhetoric Towards Syria 'Reckless and Dangerous'The Administrations rhetoric this weekend towards Syria is reckless and dangerous, and could further hurt the United States’ standing in the region and the world, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) stated today.
Kucinich, Ranking Member of the House Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations, today issued the following statement:
“The rhetoric out of the Administration this weekend towards Syria is reckless and dangerous. Such threats only serve to further destabilize the region, fuel anti-American sentiment and isolate the United States from the international community.
“It appears that the Administration using the same rhetoric and political posturing that led to the unjustified war against Iraq. Our nation cannot afford this dangerous and aggressive foreign policy. On the heels of war with Iraq, the Administration’s posturing appears to be putting the United States on a path to war with Syria.
“Threatening action against Syria could help fuel speculation that the Administration is seeking to build an empire in the Middle East. Now more than ever the United States needs to work with the international community to repair damaged relations and to rebuilding of Iraq. The rhetoric out of this Administration is counterproductive towards this goal.
“With such threats, the Administration is taking our nation down a dangerous path. If the Administration continues with this rhetoric the United States risks more violence in the Middle East region, further isolation from the international community, and the continued sacrifice of our pressing domestic needs.
Kucinich to Rumsfeld: Release Number of Iraqi Casualties In a letter to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich requested that the Department of Defense release the total number of Iraqi casualties incurred in the war in Iraq.
"Now that the combat phase of the war has ended, it is critical that the full extent of losses be calculated. While it may be difficult to account for the exact number of Iraqi combatants killed in battle, the number of Iraqi civilians killed and injured in the conflict should be released, " wrote Kucinich, the Ranking Member of the House Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations.
After sending the letter, Kucinich commented: "The United States owes it to the people of Iraq and the world community to make this information public."
Bush Economics Bad for Ohio and the NationWith the President traveling to Ohio today to sell his misguided economic plan based on tax cuts to the wealthy, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, issued the following statement:
"Like most of the nation, Ohio's economy is hurting. Since the beginning of this Administration Ohio has lost 167,800 jobs or 3.06% of the statewide employment. In my hometown of Cleveland, since January of 2001, we have lost 53,900 jobs and have an unemployment rate of 6.8%. In Canton, where the President will visit today, the unemployment rate is 7.1%.
"The President's economic strategy of tax cuts to the wealthiest one percent, and aggressive foreign policy, will make it impossible for our economy to recover and will lead to continued cuts in important domestic needs. Already, this Administration's policy has led to cuts in spending on important domestic needs such as education, health care, veterans benefits, child care and led to sky high state budget deficits. Ohio, alone, is facing a projected state budget deficit of $2 billion in FY '04.
"Nationwide, since the President was inaugurated, our economy has lost 2.6 million jobs, an average of 73,400 jobs a month, and 8.4 million Americans are unemployed. Even with 8.4 million Americans unemployed, the plan that the President has come to Ohio today to sell will produce only 190,000 jobs in 2003. This is simply unacceptable.
"It is clear that the Administration's flawed economic policy is out of step with the needs of Ohio and our nation. Most Ohioans will not benefit from the Administration's tax cut proposal. Under the President's plan, 1,580,900 Ohioans will receive no tax cut at all. And another million will get a tax cut of less than $100.
"The Administration's tax plan calls for speeding up and making permanent many of the tax cuts enacted in 2001, along with the elimination of individual income taxes on corporate-source dividends and capital gains. These tax cuts will not stimulate the economy because they are slow to phase in and invest money in the wrong areas.
"In addition, Ohio's economy has been decimated by NAFTA. This Administration wants to expand NAFTA, when any sensible economic program for Ohio would repeal it.
"The President's economic record in Ohio, and the nation, is one of high unemployment, factory closings and corporate bankruptcies. Ohio, and our nation, deserve better. To stimulate our economy takes more than tax cuts to the wealthy. It requires federal spending, progressive tax cuts to people who need the money now, and real efforts to create new high paying jobs.
KUCINICH: "They're Both Wrong"A debate has recently erupted between rival Democratic campaigns, with one candidate quoted as saying "We won’t always have the strongest military," and a rival campaign responding that the candidate had implied he "would compromise or tolerate an erosion of America’s military supremacy."
Tonight, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich, the ranking Democrat on the Government Reform subcommittee that monitors the Pentagon, issued the following statement:
"They’re both wrong. The U.S. military is the strongest in the world by far, and will remain so. But Democrats cannot lead the nation without being strong enough to confront the bloat and waste in the Pentagon budget."
"Our military budget is almost as big as that of all other countries combined. While we have unchallenged superiority in military strength, we also have more people without healthcare than any other advanced industrial country -- and Democrats must be bold enough to say the two issues are linked."
"I don’t agree with other Democrats that we can continue to increase military spending, and still deliver on our domestic agenda for middle class and working Americans. We can’t. That’s voodoo budgeting."
"In this campaign, I plan to make a major issue of hometown security -- healthcare, jobs and education for all -- and misspent Pentagon dollars, even as other Democratic candidates join President Bush in pressing for still more exorbitant military budgets."
5/02/2003 Kucinich: The Military Victory is a Foreign Policy Failure
Just before President Bush made his speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich -- ranking member of the House Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations -- issued the following statement:
"Regardless of the outcome, the war in Iraq was wrong. While the United States has won a military victory in Iraq, the Administration never justified the war, rendering it a diplomatic and foreign policy failure.
"The Administration led America into a war based on false pretenses. Even today, as the President declares an end to combat, there is no credible evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction -- weapons that, according to the Administration, posed an immediate and imminent threat to our nation and our allies, and could not be eliminated through international weapons inspectors.
"The Administration, with its policy in Iraq, has isolated the United States from the international community and threatens to make our country less safe not more safe.
"Bringing the troops home, and bringing in the international community to assist with humanitarian reconstruction and security, must happen immediately. Rhetoric alone will not convince the world that the United States is not occupying Iraq, especially since the U.S. has prioritized the rebuilding oil infrastructures instead of providing humanitarian assistance."
Kucinich: Is the Administration Proving it is About Oil?In the wake of news that the Bush administration is proposing a U.N. resolution "granting the United States broad control over Iraq's oil industry and revenue"(Washington Post, May 9), presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich -- ranking Democrat on the House Government Reform subcommittee on national security -- issued the following statement:
"Today's news once again raises questions about the Administration's true intentions in Iraq. For months the Administration has said the war was not about oil, but its actions tell a different story.
"If Iraqi oil is for the Iraqi people, the United Nations should manage the oil profits until a credible Iraqi government is installed. The United States should not control the Iraqi people or their resources, nor should the U.S. dictate where their resources go.
"This move by the Administration to manage Iraq's oil revenue will undermine the US's ability to reconstruct Iraq and further harm the United States's credibility in the world community."
KUCINICH TO CONGRESS: WE NEED MORE FUNDING FOR AIDS, FAMILY PLANNING, HEALTHCARETestifying today on behalf of the Congressional Progressive Caucus before an appropriations subcommittee, Dennis J. Kucinich called for increased spending for AIDS, family planning and our health care infrastructure.
While the Subcommittee is certainly faced with budget difficulties, we ask that it maintain a focus on federal programs that have worked in the past to provide health care, education and workforce support. The need for these programs becomes even more critical during our current recession.
Title X of the Public Health Service Act, the National Family Planning Program is critical in providing contraception and preventive health care to millions of Americans who have low incomes or are otherwise uninsured. These programs are important "entry points" for many women and families into the health care system. Unfortunately, funding for Title X programs is 57 percent less than it was in 1980. For FY 2004, $325 million is needed to maintain services in Title X clinics and make newer, more dependable forms of contraception available, along with new technologies for screening of cervical cancer and sexually transmitted diseases.
We ask the Subcommittee to support $3.5 billion in FY'04 for Global AIDS programs, and of that number, $1.7 billion for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. Domestically, we request $610 million for the Minority AIDS Initiative. It provides funds to community-based organizations, research institutions, minority-serving colleges and universities, health care organizations, state and local health departments, and correctional institutions to help them address the HIV/AIDS epidemic within the minority populations they serve. The Initiative fills gaps in prevention, treatment, surveillance, infrastructure, outreach and education across communities of color.
Finally, we ask that you provide a significant increase for the Consolidated Health Centers Program. Over the past two years, health centers have expanded to treat an additional 3 million new patients. As the numbers of uninsured families continue to grow, it is even more critical that health centers are provided increased resources to continue to treat the patients that come through its doors. While the CHC program is no substitute for comprehensive health insurance, it has operated as a critical piece of the health care safety net.
KUCINICH SCORES IN IOWA As was widely reported this past weekend (Washington Post, L.A. Times, etc.), Dennis Kucinich was ranked number one by undecided union members at Saturday's candidate forum in Des Moines at AFSCME's national convention. Reuters reported: "A focus group of 30 union members in Iowa, which holds the first nominating contest in January, found Kucinich with the highest overall rating and Sharpton, Gephardt and Dean right behind, pollster Celinda Lake said. 'I loved what Kucinich feels in his gut and how he supports labor; I think he gained a lot of support today,' Michael Arken of Portland, Oregon, said after the forum."
Despite a late start, our campaign is gaining traction in this crucial heartland caucus state. "Kucinich has been spending considerable time in Iowa," reported the political columnist of the Des Moines Register, "and his good score indicates he could be on the verge of becoming a factor in the Iowa contest."
Kucinich received a rousing reaction to his opening remarks:
"As President, I'll make sure that workers' rights are enshrined in a Workers' White House. As President, I'll issue an executive order which will say that anyone who gets a federal contract will have to provide that when 50% of the workers sign up for a union, there's an automatic union. As President, I'll set aside those provisions of Taft-Harley which attack the right to organize. As President (with a 100% AFSCME voting record, I might add), one of my first acts in office -- recognizing how trade has devastated so many towns around Iowa and the nation -- will be to cancel NAFTA and the WTO.
"I ask this administration: Tell me, Mr. Bush, where are those weapons of mass destruction? I've seen those weapons, and I'll tell you where they are. Joblessness is a weapon of mass destruction. Poverty is a weapon of mass destruction. Hopelessness is a weapon of mass destruction. Let's bring back hope in America. Let's bring back jobs in America. Let's bring back workers' rights in America! Thank you."
5/21/2003 Kucinich on the House Floor: "A War Based on Pretext"
During consideration of a Defense Authorization bill, Congressman Dennis Kucinich -- leader of anti-war opposition on Capitol Hill -- took to the House floor to again challenge the Bush Administration's deceptions on Iraq:
"This Administration led this nation into a war based on a pretext that Iraq was an imminent threat, which it was not. The Secretary of State presented pictures to the world he said were proof. Today, despite having total control in Iraq, none of the very serious claims that the Administration made to this Congress, to this nation, and to the world have been substantiated.
"Where are the weapons of mass destruction? Indeed, what was the basis for the war? We spend $400 billion for defense. Will we spend a minute to defend truth? The American people gave up their health care, education and veterans benefits to pay for this war. And for what? Answer the questions, Mr. President."
Kucinich Challenges Bush Rhetoric on IranDennis J. Kucinich continued his antiwar leadership in Congress by challenging the Bush administration on its dangerous stance toward Iran. As ranking Democrat on the Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations, Kucinich issued the following statement:
"The rhetoric and posturing by this Administration over Iran serves only to validate impressions in the region that the United States is empire building. It is disturbing that as our nation is just beginning to learn that it was misled in the build-up to war in Iraq, that this Administration is seeking to continue its dangerous policy in the region with an aggressive posture towards Iran... Now more than ever, it is critical that the United States work with our friends and allies in the Middle East to root out terrorists cells and implement a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."
Kucinich to FCC: Stop the Corporate Takeover of our Mass MediaA longtime foe of media monopolization, Dennis Kucinich blasted the federally-assisted corporate takeover of U.S. media in formal comments filed with the Federal Communications Commission. Kucinich's protest comes as the FCC seems prepared to announce new, even more deregulatory rules on media ownership.
"Walking further down the path of deregulation skews the national discourse and is directly contrary to the welfare of the public. It is adamantly not in the public interest to grant a few corporations the privilege to broadcast their views and augment their voice to the American people at the expense of the many."
Kucinich focused attention on Clear Channel, a company with ties to the Bush Administration that now owns 1200 stations nationwide: "Clear Channel's national and dominant presence, a direct result of deregulation, threatens an imbalance in the public discourse -- an imbalance caused by the government granting one corporation the power to dominate the public airwaves, and the privilege to amplify its voice on public property. It is well documented that Clear Channel has removed on-air personalities from stations that it has bought, and replaced those local announcers with more centralized voices."
KUCINICH DEMANDS RELEASE OF INTELLIGENCE THAT LED TO WAR Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich, leader of the opposition to the Iraq war in the U.S. House, is announcing at a noon news conference on Wednesday that he will use a Resolution of Inquiry to demand the release of the intelligence that led to the war in Iraq, and to Administration claims that Iraq had tons of biological and chemical weapons, delivery systems, and a 'reconstituted' nuclear program.
"This Administration led this nation into war based on lies," said Kucinich. "I think that this Congress, and the American people, have a right to know what information this Administration had, and how they justify their public comments. Now is the time for truth-telling."
A Resolution of Inquiry is a rarely used House procedure that Kucinich used successfully in March to get the Administration to release the 12,000 page weapons report that Iraq had submitted to the UN.
Kucinich Stands Up for Right-to-Choose and Gender EqualityCongressman Dennis J. Kucinich took to the House floor on June 4th to strongly oppose a ban on so-called "partial-birth abortions":
"Let's all be clear -- the bill before us is unconstitutional because it does not contain an exemption for the health of the woman who seeks to exercise her reproductive rights. Opponents of the right to reproductive choice should know that. This bill likely will not prevent a single abortion. But it does defeat the rights of women.
"I believe that equal protection under the law and the right to privacy should be freedoms enjoyed by women as well as men. But women will not be equal to men if this constitutionally protected right is denied. This bill infringes on those rights for women, and that is why I will oppose it.
"Throughout my career, I have tried to work to reduce the need for abortions by preventing unwanted pregnancies through comprehensive sex education, birth control, and increased access to health care. I think that all of my colleagues would agree that we should work to prevent unwanted pregnancies that lead to abortions.
"Advocates of this bill who say they stand in defense of life would be more believable if they worked to support families with adequate child care funding, child tax credit relief for vulnerable families, and peace. For some, this debate is only about politics. The fact that other abortion legislation, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, has been advanced on the publicity of the Laci Peterson tragedy shows the unfortunate politicization of this debate.
"I do know, however, that many are sincere in their desire to reduce the need for abortions. In leading the nation toward this goal, we must preserve Constitutional rights. We must respect the freedom and equality of women. The best path for our country is not to escalate the divisiveness and political nature of this debate. Rather, it is to remember the principles of this nation and refrain from undermining the freedom of choice. We must respect the basic human dignity of women to make personal decisions."
KUCINICH #1 WITH ACTIVISTS, AGAINSpeaking to more than 1200 progressive leaders and activists in civil rights, labor, feminism, peace and the environment at the "Take Back America" conference in D.C. yesterday, Kucinich "electrified" the crowd with a "spell-binding speech." Here's a description from Salon, whose sub-headline reported, "Kucinich's Bush roasting gets the biggest cheers":
"The most impassioned applause of the day was reserved for Kucinich. Introduced by Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers of America, as 'the only vegan in Congress,' Kucinich took the stage to John Lennon's 'Imagine' and proceeded to conjure the heyday of American progressivism by promising a new version of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Works Project Administration. 'We're gonna rebuild America's cities and we're gonna do it with America's steel'... Medicare for all, money pulled out of the Pentagon budget to pay for schools and other domestic programs, and 'total nuclear disarmament.' He spoke to the crowd's fury over the war in Iraq, getting a screaming standing ovation when he cried: 'This war was wrong! This war was fraudulent! We must expose this administration.'
"When he was finished it was clear there was no point in having anyone else follow him. 'Dennis Kucinich has barbecued George Bush,' said the emcee. 'How about we have a barbecue right now?'"
The crowd adjourned to a party, according to Salon, partly because conference organizers took pity on Dick Gephardt and delayed his video message, scheduled to follow Kucinich, which "would have played like a parody of establishment banality."
PS. While there was no doubt to those in attendance at the "Take Back America" conference yesterday that Dennis Kucinich had won the event, some journalists seem so blinded by their preconceived notions of who is a "frontrunner" or "contender" or "leading candidate," that they have difficulty reporting objectively on what happens in front of their eyes. In the Los Angeles Times account, which acknowledged that Kucinich's speech was "repeatedly interrupted by standing ovations," Dennis is reduced to little more than a footnote.
What's striking about some of the mainstream coverage of our grassroots campaign is how similar it is to the dismissive coverage of Jerry Brown in '91/'92 and Jesse Jackson in '87/'88 -- while prominence and tens of thousands of words were lavished on well-funded "contenders" who barely made it past the first New Hamphire primary, and whose campaigns are no longer even remembered.
To challenge media bias and marginalization vist our Responses to the Media page.
KUCINICH ON HOUSE FLOOR: CREDIBILITY GAP IS GROWING Congressman Dennis Kucinich, leader of Congressional opposition to the Iraq war, took to the House floor today to continue pressing for the truth about the Administration's drive to war:
"The credibility gap is growing. First the Administration said the US had to sweep aside the UN inspections and the UN Security Council because Iraq had weapons of mass destruction that were an imminent threat. Now, Paul Wolfowitz says: 'The truth is that for reasons that have a lot to do with the US government bureaucracy, we settled on the one issue that everyone could agree on, which was weapons of mass destruction as the core reason.'
"Now their story is changing: Iraq had a weapons 'program,' they say. No longer weapons of mass destruction, but a program. If this Administration can fabricate reasons for war after the fact, where will America be headed for war next?
"Congress must demand accountability for the wanton exercise of war power, for the loss of life, the destruction of property, the waste of tax dollars and the damage to America's reputation. Thirty-three members of the House have now signed the Resolution of Inquiry to demand the White House tell the truth."
Kucinich's Resolution of Inquiry, demanding the Administration turn over intelligence to back its pre-war claims about Iraq, was introduced Thursday and has growing support. It is a privileged resolution and must be voted on in Committee within 14 legislative days of being introduced.
"Mr. President, Where Was the Imminent Threat?"Congressman Kucinich again took to the House floor today to question the White House on Iraq:
"Over the past year, the Bush Administration has made specific and unequivocal statements about the imminent threat posed by Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction -- repeatedly claiming they had intelligence showing Iraq had 25,000 liters of anthrax, 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin, 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent, and over 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents. So where are those vast stockpiles? Where was the imminent threat?
"At the State of the Union Address, the President said: '...Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent.' Where are those vast stockpiles? Where was the imminent threat?
"Did this Administration deliberately mislead this nation into war telling us that there was imminent threat, when there was not?
"The resolution of inquiry now signed by 36 Members of Congress aims to find out the truth."
Kucinich: White House Manipulated 2002 ElectionCongressman Dennis Kucinich, leader of antiwar opposition in the House, continued to challenge the Bush Administration on the lead-up to war in Iraq, issuing a statement today:
"Last October, this Congress voted to give the President the authority to use force against Iraq to thwart an imminent threat from Iraq's weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
"The Administration urged action against an imminent threat. So Congress voted, only weeks before the 2002 election. Some Democrats voted for it thinking there would be an opportunity to refocus on domestic issues. Instead national security and Iraq's so-called imminent threat became the divisive issue in the election. The question became: who was patriotic and who wasn't.
"The Administration capitalized on the fears of Americans. They misrepresented the nature of the Iraqi threat. They misled Congress. They misled the American people. By pushing for a quick vote before the election, they changed the election and manipulated the outcome.
"The Resolution of Inquiry will establish the truth once and for all."
Kucinich's Resolution of Inquiry in the House to force the Administration to turn over intelligence to back its claims on Iraq's WMDs, is now signed by 36 Congress members. As a privileged resolution, it must be voted on in Committee within 11 legislative days.