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"Never Forget?!" shouldn't that be "Try to Forget?"

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Skip Intro Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-11-03 08:40 PM
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"Never Forget?!" shouldn't that be "Try to Forget?"
I was scared to turn on the tv tonight

Been out most of the day, and hadn't flipped it on until just now. I was sure I would be clobblered over the head with 9*11! 9*11! 9*11! -but no, another crappy Friends, and I beleive a repeat at that. Wrestling. Without access to the "cable news media" I am not being bombarded with endless images of planes ripping thru landmarks and the dopiest criminal in the world acting like he prevented it as the flock goes wild.

Anyway, after two years (seems like TWENTY), I am 9*11-ed out.

I mean, I'm not unfeeling about the victims or unjolted that this kind of thing could happen, or any less sympathetic or patriotic - but damn, enough with the forced mourning and flag-waving. I half-expected people passing me on the sidewalk to look at me and give a fist-in-the-air solidarity salute. I even saw myself saluting back. The fellow patriot would maybe grab my shoulder and say, "be vigilant, brother - never forget." Instead of goodbye, we'd say in unison "Never Forget!" I don't mean to sound irreverent (sp?), but can I please - forget for maybe a week?

You know what - it happened, it ain't never gonna unhappen, we have no choice but to live with that. Reliving the trauma everytime you pinch your finger in the "clip-on am-flag" isn't going to help. Zombified patriotism is worse. Think.

And it is the utter bullshit of the official "truth" that make the growing conspiricy theories completely necessary, imho. I suspect that among the crimes yet to be documented, our government, perhaps serving a more powerful organization, has perverted our nation's trust in it, while trying to increase our distrust of each other, And is that an understatement?!

But i digress

let's roll
another one, ashkkkroft
Under God

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scarlet_owl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-11-03 08:53 PM
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1. Agreed
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dweller Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-11-03 09:31 PM
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2. I guess i'll forget
when i 'get over it'.

or i'll sleep when i'm dead.
but it hasn't happened yet.

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