CIA largest budget items: election tampering & news propaganda.
Now the Bush PNAC cabal wouldnt be in control by BushSR the CIA man,
now would it ? <sarcasm>
Now the US news media wouldnt be controlled by CIA money,
now ould it ? <sarcasm>
-------------------------------------------- the text:
Introduction to the Pike Papers
the village VOICE
February 11, 1976
It may surprise some to discover that the largest single category of covert activity concerned tampering with free elections around the world. These election operations make up a full 32 percent of the covert action projects approved by the Forty Committee since 1965. The report says the operations usually mean "providing some form of financial election support to foreign parties and individuals. Such support could be negative as well as positive." Most of the money has gone to developing countries and generally "to incumbent moderate party leaders and heads of state." One "Third World leader" received $960,000 over a l4-year period.
The second largest covert action category is "media and propaganda." The committee found that 29 percent of the covert projects approved by the Forty Committee fell under this heading. The report says: "Activities have included support of friendly media, major propaganda efforts, insertion of articles into he local press, and distribution of books and leaflets. By far the largest single recipient has been a European publishing house funded since 1951... About 25 percent of the program has been directed at the Soviet Bloc, in the publication and clandestine import and export of Western and Soviet dissident literature."
The third largest category is "Paramilitary/Arms Transfers." These make up 23 percent of the total Forty Committee-approved. covert action, projects. Although these rank third in total numbers they rank first in expense. The committee report states: "By far the most interesting, and important fact to emerge was the recognition that the great majority of these covert action projects were proposed by parties outside CIA. Many of these programs were summarily ordered, over CIA objections. CIA misgivings, however, were at times weakly expressed, as the CIA is afflicted with a 'can do' attitude."