My partner is cooking chicken and to entertain her I read his column on the "flypaper" strategy to her:'s the first time I've ever read every word of an Andrew Sullivan article from beginning to end. God DAMN that man is crazy!
At first, he was pissing me off; but by the time I got to the end I was just laughing my ass off. I seriously almost fell out of my chair. If you need a boost, go read this thing. The sheer delusionality of it will amuse you no end--and the ironies! My favorite part is where he explains how wonderful it is that our soldiers have provided the Islamic extremists of the world with a new target "that is not Israel!" Because God knows no terrorist activity has taken place in Israel since we invaded Iraq! And how it's great that we're now proving that Israel is not the main cause of instability and strife in the Middle East--because WE are!
OK, he doesn't actually *say* "because we are," but the rest of it is almost verbatim...and how can you help doing the MST3K on it? It writes itself!
And the most priceless, the most ball-bustingly funny part is the last paragraph, when he argues that Bush has to go on TV and tell everyone that more violence in Iraq is a GOOD thing, because right now...get this...he looks defensive and not in control of the situation! And "this must end!" Because it's totally not the case! Honest! THEY MEANT TO DO THIS!
(sound of me falling off the chair and practically exploding with laughter)
I mean, it isn't funny, really, with the people dying and all that. It's this guy's lunacy that's funny. Can he not see how pathetic he AND his boy George are? I guess not. Guess if he could, he'd be a whole different guy.
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