I hope you've been doing as I have, and keeping a list of those in your personal and professional life that have advocated strong support for Bush and his war.
Now that the tab has been delivered to the table (sans overcosts and projected expenses into the forseeable future), it's time for someone to pay the bill.
So, I suggest we send them the bill.
Make out an invoice for your portion of the bill, and send it to the Bush supporters.
I myself am including instructions on how they can pay via PayPal. Every congressperson that signed the blank check, they get a bill. Yeah, you know Lieberman and Gep are getting bills. My brother and father are getting bills. My moms partner, she's getting a bill. That guy I met over at M's house, that sat there and acted as if I was insane when I presented DOCUMENTATION from the WHITE HOUSE WEBSITE, you are getting a bill. That obnoxious representative at my garden clients officebuilding, you are getting a bill.
I'm considering making a "standard issue" template and putting it up somewhere.
Am I insane? I seriously think they should pay the damn bill. Where's the personal accountability? I ate a friggin complimentary salad with vinegarette and a icewater, they sat there and siphoned off a rack of barb-q lamb ribs, 2 baked potatos, a side of pasta, half an apple pie, a bottle of '57 chabliss, and a diet coke...and they think we should GO HALVSIES?!?!
Send the Bushbots the Bill!