I realize this ups the ante recently placed by Will Pitt, but for those who can afford it or can coordinate a little local kitty, the number is $57, and the funds will be matched. Here's the email-
"All You Need is Love" is a great sentiment and we thank John Lennon and the Beatles for it. But in election campaigns, love is not all you need. You need money too. In fact the Kucinich for President
campaign is rapidly gaining in love, in volunteers, in staff, in house parties and in endorsements (read on for all the good news), but what we need most right now is money. That's because the fundraising filing deadline for this quarter is Sept 30.
To make it easy for you to donate as you read on, I'll leave helpful links that make the process quick and painless:
https://www.kucinich.us/contribute.phpENDORSEMENTS ROLLING IN
Many prominent activists have recently endorsed Kucinich for President, including physician/activist DR. PATCH ADAMS; human rights campaigners LORETTA ROSS and KATHY ENGEL; spiritual teacher RAM DASS; and STANLEY SHEINBAUM, the legendary Democratic activist who publishes New Perspectives
Quarterly. (All are endorsing as individuals, not on behalf of any groups.)
Hey, here's one of those helpful donation links
https://www.kucinich.us/contribute.php -- and did I tell you that your $57 donation means double to our campaign thanks to federal matching funds. (Why $57? Read on.)
In just one week, more than 750 people have signed up to host fundraising house parties for Kucinich on September 21, the UN-designated International Day of Peace. House parties are already set for 44 states, a happening even the corporate media won't be able to
ignore. So join the mania, especially if you're in one of the six states that still lacks a party. Only ten days left. Learn more at
http://www.kucinich.us/houseparty.htmGANDHI ON KUCINICH
Arun Gandhi, the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, was recently asked by a journalist about the Kucinich plan to create a cabinet-level Department of Peace: "I think it's a wonderful idea," said Gandhi, a U.S. citizen
who lives in Memphis. "That's why I support Dennis Kucinich. He's been a peace activist even before the world crisis took place. Many of the other Democratic leaders have sort of discovered peace now when they see the administration with egg on their face." (Kucinich won the 2003 Gandhi Peace Award -- presented annually by Promoting Enduring Peace.)
Why donate $57 -- which means $114 to our campaign thanks to matching funds? Because next month, Dennis turns 57. Give him an early birthday present by Sept. 30. Click here:
https://www.kucinich.us/contribute.phpWORD IS SPREADING
You've seen Kucinich shine in the recent televised debates. Many more are coming. New opportunities for the country to learn about the only presidential candidate who...voted against the misnamed "Patriot Act"; sponsors a Congressional bill for universal health
coverage; led Congressional opposition to the Iraq war; has a plan for expanded jobs and education programs funded by cuts in the bloated Pentagon budget; proposes returning the Social Security retirement age
to 65; would withdraw from NAFTA and the WTO in favor of fair trade deals that lift up human rights, labor and environmental standards around the world.
To learn more:
http://www.kucinich.us Despite the headline, we honor John Lennon...not just for our campaign theme song, "Imagine," but because of all he and Yoko Ono have done for world peace.
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