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9/11 families: Why no accountability?

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Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-12-03 11:51 AM
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9/11 families: Why no accountability?
9/11 families: Why no accountability?

By Rebecca Carr
Cox News Service
Sunday, September 7, 2003

WASHINGTON -- One by one, they entered the cavernous Hart hearing room on Capitol Hill last fall. Day after day, they slid onto the metal, government-issue chairs and waited.

Waited for answers from a special congressional inquiry into how the nation's network of intelligence agencies could have missed the repeated warnings that al-Qaida planned to strike America.

Listened as public official after public official said mistakes were made, they should have done things differently, but in then end, they could not have prevented the attacks that killed their loved ones.

Two years after al-Qaida's attacks on New York and Washington killed 3,000 people, the families of those slain are still waiting for answers.

Last fall's hearings revealed grave intelligence lapses, yet no one was held accountable for failing to communicate vital information about the al-Qaida operatives who carried out the attacks, for failing to share information between agencies, for failing to take seriously the terrorist organization's intention to use planes as bombs.

"There are a whole slew of government agencies and officials who should be held responsible for what happened, yet I don't see any sign of mea culpa or any sign of anyone being held accountable," said Kristin Breitweiser, whose husband Ron died on the 94th floor of the second World Trade Center Tower.

Uncovering who should be held responsible has become a mission for Breitweiser and other family members of those who died on Sept. 11, 2001.

Breitweiser and a group of other widows appear on Capitol Hill so frequently in their search for accountability that lawmakers and public officials know them by first name.



- This is a coverup of Nixonian proportions. It's also an impeachable offense.
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tom_paine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-12-03 11:54 AM
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1. That's an easy one...Empires don't have accountability mechanisms
And the Old American Democratic-Republic is rapidly fading in the rearview (on the national level, anyway).
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KeepItReal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-12-03 11:57 AM
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2. 9/11 Families don't have a Ken Starr on the case
No way the Repub Congress would let an Independent Counsel loose to investigate what really happened (or did not happen).
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