Thank you, thank you, thank you. I don't know why I didn't bookmark that sucker:
So what we have here is a situation in which Bush really doesn't seem to give a hoot what voters think, in which he won last time through very questionable tactics in Florida and in which new, unproven electronic voting machines are going to be used throughout America. And, in at least one state, Ohio, the guy who hopes to have his machines installed is one of Bush's best buds.
Perhaps it's time to take Fidel Castro up on his offer and let him send Cuban observers to the States to observe the 2004 elections for fairness.
That's a facetious suggestion, of course, but it's not out of line to suggest that the Democrats had better be on their toes when November 2004 rolls around. The Bushies often seem crazy (brazenly ignoring the threat of global warming, for instance), but they're crazy like foxes.
They very well might have a trick or two up their sleeves. There is nothing so outlandish that they won't try it.
Here's an even stronger take on the subject, from one of my faves, Chris Floyd: again!