I spent a lot of time hemming and hawing over which candidate to support for President. I take that decision very seriously, as this is the first time I will be voting in a contested Democratic primary (I don't think 2000 really counts). I feel that I now know enough about Wesley Clark's positions on the issues and his record that I can feel comfortable giving him my full support in the Texas Democratic primary. In fact, his positions on the issues are almost identical to mine. To be sure, General Clark lacks the fiery rhetoric of Howard Dean, but a fair account would show that his positions are actually quite similar to Dean's. I happen to beleive that Howard Dean is electable, and that he is saying all of the right things. I will not criticize Howard Dean, and he is without question my second choice for the Democratic nomination. Still, Clark's military background is an enormusly valuable asset for the Democratic Party and will permit us to have a real national debate on George W. Bush's reckless foreign policy because the usual Republican red-baiting and jingoism will not work against a candidate like General Clark. If he chooses to run, he will face many challenges, such as having no experience in seeking elective office, fundrasing and putting a campaign organization together in just a few months. But if the General should decide to run I will do everything I can to help him win a majority of Democratic delegates from the state of Texas.