Edited on Sat Sep-13-03 12:10 PM by TruthIsAll
I am getting tired of this BULLSHIT.
It should be obvious by now to all but the most die-hard coincidence theorists, that the 2002 elections were Diebolded. The Dems were cheated out of least three senate seats.
The Repukes cheat. That's not news. They have been doing it for over 20 years. Its just that they are emboldened since they got away with it in Florida in broad daylight before a hundred million TV viewers.
We were all SO naive then. Focusing on chads and not the 75,000 overvotes or the 55,000 blacks disenfranchised. I6t was a 36-day nightmare that seems like an eternity ago. Yes, we have come a long way since then. We are wiser, poorer, sadder and much, much more vigilant.
I expect the usual disruptive coincidence suspects here would like to respond with: "Here we go again, you have no proof".
As each day passes, and more and more proof of Diebold's arrogance is displayed, these usual suspects of self-denial and disruptive agenda become more and more obvious. And yet they claim to have voted Democratic for 30 years. So does Zell Miller. Theresa LePore, the Palm Beach Election Supervisor (Madame Butterfly) claimed to be a Democrat, also. Well, like her equivalent (Cox) in Georgia, she wouldn't allow independent testing of those machines when a local Democratic candidate asked for it.
Now the Repukes have the power. Bush can go down to 35% in the polls and they will still try to steal it.
Nothing except a voter-verfied paper trail will wipe that smirk off his face. Otherwise its bye-bye America.