for September 14, 2003
Slowly they turn... step by step... on Junior's handlers!
This Week gets the only makeover this year not engineered by Queer Eye for the Straight Guy -- and we distill Meet the Press into three minutes of frenzied Big Time spin!
By the Pundit Pap Team
Sept. 14, 2003 - NEW YORK ( -- Talk about your massive reversal of fortune.
A mere two months ago, the Supine Pundit Corps all but wore pleated skirts and pompoms, so reliable and conspicuous was their cheerleading for the glorious success of Operation Iraqi Liberation.
Today, you can practically taste the blood in the water. The second anniversary of Al Qaeda's inhuman assault on New York and Washington did nothing to boost support for Smirk's Iraq policy -- if anything, some polls showed both his overall approval and support for continued American presence in Iraq in free fall.
And, to our delight, two key Washington playas took it on the chin this Sunday morning. Here's the gist.