Just got this press release faxed to me. It's signed by Braun, Edwards, Kucinich, Gephardt, Graham, Sharpton, and Lieberman. (Clark's signature might be on it, but my fax machine ran out of paper at the end.)
PRESS RELEASE Democratic Candidates to Yield Debate Time to John Kerry
September 14, 2003
Senator John Kerry says he's not well equipped to handle a one minute debate format. Now, while we're not sure the eventual Democratic nominee will get one minute of airtime for anything, we understand that Senator Kerry needs more time.
So, we, the "Other Seven," agree to yield a full seven additional minutes to John Kerry at the next nationally televised Democratic Candidates Debate so he can spend eight minutes of uninterrupted time attacking Governor Howard Dean of Vermont.
We do recognize that eight minutes is still very little time for a Senator used to the unlimited time rules of the Senate floor. But we hope this additional time provides Senator Kerry with what wants. He will also have his other one minute timeslots for rebuttal later in the debate.
While we disagree with Senator Kerry that all seven of us are meaningless distractions and do not deserve as much attack time as he does, we thought we'd be generous and respectful. We're unclear why his still sizeable campaign bank account doesn't provide ample opportunity to get his message out. Regardless, we'll do what's right for Senator Kerry.
If we're sufficiently entertained, we'll extend a second set of seven minutes, for a full sixteen minutes (fourteen from us, two from his own allotment) of Dean-bashing goodness. We'll hold a quick vote during the debate amongst ourselves to decide -- which means that real voters decide, of course.
We're all looking forward to the next debate to hear Senator Kerry.