Republicans Worry About Bush Poll Numbers Sun September 14, 2003 09:18 AM ET
By Steve Holland
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With President Bush's poll numbers dropping, many of his fellow Republicans are uneasy about the state of the U.S. economy, rising budget deficits, and the U.S. military operation in Iraq.
Others believe the president needs to go on the offensive and fight back against attacks from Democrats vying for the 2004 presidential nomination who appear to have found a voice in contesting Bush's Iraq policy and reliance largely on tax cuts to revive the economy.
"The White House needs to get back on the offensive and talk about some ideas and policies," said a senior Republican strategist in Washington, who asked to remain unidentified.
heh, all he does is talk, no action-----snip-----
Some Republicans are concerned Bush seems to be spending an inordinate amount of time raising money for his 2004 re-election campaign race, lowering his profile from commander in chief to
solicitor in chief and leaving him more open to Democratic assault.
yadda yadda yadda - reads a speech, (more hot air), then goes and collects his kick-backs from taxcutsBush has been to 20 fund-raising events in 12 states and Washington since mid-June and has raised more than $60 million, on his way to a goal of $170 million for a Republican primary campaign for which he has no challengers.
"He is spending too much time raising money. The goal is unbelievably high," said one prominent Republican. Others are starting to complain about the multiple phone calls they are getting seeking contributions.