prices spiral upward
Big military order bolsters demand
A huge military order for plywood apparently bound for the Middle East has driven already-lofty prices to record heights and could add thousands of dollars to the cost of new homes.
Some types of plywood cost twice what they did just six weeks ago, said Kristian Kankelfritz at Fitch Lumber and Hardware in Chapel Hill. "Some people don't like it, but it's going to be about the same no matter where they go," he said.
Several plywood factories have closed, reducing supply. Also, this year's wet weather has made it hard to get logs out of the woods, and some mills closed briefly for lack of raw material. The strong housing market, meanwhile, kept demand high.
Then, just as experts thought prices had peaked, the military began ordering wood in early August. The government got enough plywood to fill about 300 railroad cars and briefly tie up production at several factories.
NOTE THIS: "The only thing missing this year is a hurricane threatening a major metro area," Dawson said. "If that were to happen sometime in the next six weeks, it could be a major market influence."
"Within days, I saw pictures on CNN of guard towers and holding cells made out of Southern pine plywood," he said.
So a hurricane is coming - the Natl. Guard and plywood are in Iraq.
So now we know why the gang set fire to the forest. Needed that salvage logging to make plywood. Wonder how much money plywood makers gave Smirk?