I live in a small town, and a couple weeks ago, a Pastor in town wrote , in his column called "Bible Talk", a scathing condemnation of the new gay episcopal bishop in the Anglican church...and he blathered on and on about how he loved gay folks even if they are sinners...blah blah blah... Of course,. I had to write a letter to the editor asking that the paper allow for a gay minister or for the gay bishop himself to be able to respond with a column....and I went on and on about glbt rights... Needless to say, there was an editorial by some moran who calls himself "The Gray Philosopher" in yesterdays paper, using MY name specifically and the contents of my first letter, to once again bash the gay "lifestyle" SOOOOOOOO its a small town and here is my letter in response...Please tell me what you think..I already sent it in the mail, and I should keep my head down in this town for a while..
To the editor:
As I read the ³Gray Philosopher's² editorial of September 14, I had to conclude that the bottom line in his fear of gay folks is this: He uses his Bible as he might use the Big Boy buffet, picking and choosing (as most cafeteria Christians seem to do) only those those passages from Scripture with which he and God both agree. This confects his ³philosophy,² and all else falls by the wayside of his mindset.
There are passages in the Bible that demand women cover their heads in church; there are passages in the Bible that condone slavery; there are passages, too, that demand one does not eat shellfish. Men, God says, are to wear hairlocks and prayer shawls.
People of good conscience would be well-advised to not pick and choose what parts of the Bible they want to dictate their personal prejudices.
I didn¹t see hairlocks in the ³Gray Philosopher's² picture, and I doubt seriously he demands his wife cover her head in church and keep silent (all found in the bible) in all matters religious.
As a Grey-headed old woman myself, and a former Bible school teacher, I can cite any number of passages from Scripture that demand adherence to specific laws in both Testaments.
Many of those who stand (like Fred Phelps) and scream about the sin of living a gay lifestyle tend to ignore all the other passages which could be used to indict themselves for their own shortcomings. Gluttony comes to mind, and I couldn¹t help but think it ironic that on the same day Reverend Hollebrands¹ commentary on gays was published, the church¹s sign advertised an upcoming pig roast. Didn¹t Moses receive instruction from God as to pigging-out on pork?
Anyone can choose to not like GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender) folk. Thats their choice and their constitutional right. But that does not mean you can discriminate against their civil liberties, or deny them their right to be first class citizens in a nation that prides itself on personal liberty.
It might be a great idea for the ³Gray Philosopher² to check out a lovely website of gay Christians www.gaychristians.org / many GLBT folks are Christian, living wonderful lives, despite the homophobia that seems prevalent in this community that would take it upon themselves to selectively edit ³God¹s Word² as to substance.
The Gray Philosopher cites gay parades, and his abhorrence of them. Evidently he has never been to the Mardi Gras, where heterosexuals abound ³in costume² (in drag?). Maybe there¹s something to be said about self-loathing here. Maybe those who lash out at people whom are different from themselves are actually responding to a hatred of their own secret desires.
Gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender folk live in every community and are a part of our lives. They can be your sons, daughters, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers ... grandchildren. For people with questions about the GLBT community, and the need to embrace tolerance, visit the website listed above, or visit www.pflag.org (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.)