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Back to the Grim Reality

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sugargoose Donating Member (270 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-15-03 12:33 PM
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Back to the Grim Reality
After a weekend of total bliss on a bus tour with Dean Dem activists to the Harkin Steak Fry, I knew going back to my right wing work place would be a downer. But this is the first time in my whole life that no one sat at my table for lunch. I suppose I'm being punished for letting people know where I was for the weekend. I am so depressed and to go from such a high to this makes it magnified so many times over.

I should have known to tell everyone I was shopping or getting my nails done which is all they care about.

I just wanted to whine.

Do you think I will get fired for this?
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MnFats Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-15-03 12:36 PM
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1. you CANNOT be fired for political work on your own time!
if you were handing out Dean fliers on company time it might be a different story....but we still (at least, last time I checked) have a first amendment in this country, and if you get fired for that you should sue their asses off....

on the other hand, and not to make you paranoid, i would be wary of bad performance reviews, reprimands for things that were never noticed before etc. The fucking jerks know they can pull this kind of shit because the Department of Labor is in the hands of the Bush Cosa take care.
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trumad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-15-03 12:37 PM
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2. Be proud
Walk amoung the living dead and smile at each and everyone of them with confidence that truth and justice will prevail. For you my Dear are a beautiful and proud Democrat who will conquer the forces of Evil!

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Red_Viking Donating Member (903 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-15-03 12:42 PM
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3. Screw them!
Seriously. You don't need that kind of rainy-day friendship. Did you stop eating lunch with them when you found out they are right-winged monkeys? NO.

Some compassionate conservatism for you!

Remember: It's a job. Not a definition of who you are. You are courageous, and honest, and human. They, on the other hand, are NOT.

Walk proud, sister! I'm certainly proud of you.

Rock on.



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demnan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-15-03 12:45 PM
Response to Original message
4. Eat at your desk and talk to us instead!
We're proud of you. Glad you got to go to the Harken event. I saw it on T.V. It was very exciting.
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Brucey Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-15-03 01:22 PM
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5. Sorry about your stupid workmates,
I have many similar. Find open-minded people and left-thinkers to hang around with at work, if possible. Otherwise, you probably need to find another job. (Good luck with that in the climate chimpy has created!)
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