Just signpost #9421 on the way to Imperial Tyranny:
The less freedom a people enjoy, the MORE their leaders and Propaganda will tout it repeatedly.
This was certainly true in Commie Russia, Nazi Germany, Marcos' Phillipines, and other Totalitarian States having similarities to Bushevik Doctrines of Secrecy and Lies.
Nowadays, you can hardly turn on Pravda or hear Our Gloriuous Fuehrer* speak without hearing it repeated over and over and over and over...
I am most forcefully brought to mind of the Soviet Union, which pre-empted every discussion with their brutalized and oppressed people (which of course the Imperial Subjects of Amerika come to more closely resemble every day now) with "The Freedom-Loving Peoples of the Soviet Union celebrate their Freedom over the decadent West..." or some other such tripe which was as transparent a lie as now when Emperor Tiberius* mouths the lies to a people who, while they aren't oppressed YET nearly as directly as the Old Soviet Citizenry, but who ae already acquiesceing to laying the groundwork of such a state, complete with Stalinist "Voting" Machines.
One wonders what Corporate TV Pravda will be like during the reign of Emperor Ahnold in 2017 or George W. Caligula in 2025...
"Here on Faux/CNN/MSRNC, the Free Peoples of Amerika today exercised their precious and inalienable rights to freedom by attacking a gathering of subversive terrorists who were plotting the overthrow of our Free American Government by replacing it with the Democrat government. The Freedom Loving People of Texas can be forgiven their excessiveness by the fact that they were merely doing what it takes to defend freedom.
"pResident George P. Bush has issues the ringlesaders the Congressional Medal of Freedom in recognition of their service to keep America Free and all the precious Freedoms we enjoy, such as Freedom of Speech and Freedom to Assemble, pure and safe within the hands of those Free People whom the Constitution extends it's rights to."
"And that does NOT extend to Democrat Terrorists who wish to subvert our Free Government, which is run run by wise free people who value your freedom, and replace it with Socialism like Unemployment Insurance."