How can we put pressure on Diane Sawyers.....
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Mon Sep-15-03 05:48 PM
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How can we put pressure on Diane Sawyers..... |
to ask the "meaningful questions" to Jessica Lynch, now that she has the exclusive interview. Can we flood her with e-mails? Can anyone provide the topr 5 questions she should be asking? Can someone provide an ABC e-mail, so that we can accomplish this. Every little deceit uncovered is helpful in the long term.
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Mon Sep-15-03 06:44 PM
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1. Here's the question I would ask: |
When you joined the ROTC in order to save money for college (as Jessica has already stated), did you ever imagine that a White House occupant would send you off to war in order to help his own election chances?
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Mon Sep-15-03 07:08 PM
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2. I imagine |
might work.
You should go to Buzzflash and read the letters to Stars and Stripes. Man, oh man, are soldiers pissed with her and all the stupid hype.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:06 AM
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