read what Juan Cole has to say about Pakistan's intel. He's a great source of analysis. he also has a link to the documents at his blog.
hey, PaulThompson, how do these players shake out in your research? power of the ISI was magnified a hundred-fold in the 1980s, via their alliance with the CIA against the Soviet Union. The United States used the ISI as a pass-through agency to funnel billions of dollars from the Reagan Administration to Islamist radicals like Gulbuddin Hikmatyar (who is now killing US troops in Afghanistan).
B. Raman, formerly of India's Research and Analysis Wing (its own CIA), explains that "The Afghan war of the 1980s saw the enhancement of the covert action capabilities of the ISI by the CIA. A number of officers from the ISI's Covert Action Division received training in the US and many covert action experts of the CIA were attached to the ISI to guide it in its operations against the Soviet troops by using the Afghan Mujahideen, Islamic fundamentalists of Pakistan and Arab volunteers. Osama bin Laden, Mir Aimal Kansi, who assassinated two CIA officers outside their office in Langley, US, in 1993, Ramzi Yousef and his accomplices involved in the New York World Trade Centre explosion in February, 1993, the leaders of the Muslim separatist movement in the southern Philippines and even many of the narcotics smugglers of Pakistan were the products of the ISI-CIA collaboration in Afghanistan. The encouragement of opium cultivation and heroin production and smuggling was also an offshoot of this co-operation. The CIA, through the ISI, promoted the smuggling of heroin into Afghanistan in order to make the Soviet troops heroin addicts. Once the Soviet troops were withdrawn in 1988, these heroin smugglers started smuggling the drugs to the West, with the complicity of the ISI. The heroin dollars have largely contributed to preventing the Pakistani economy from collapsing and enabling the ISI to divert the jehadi hordes from Afghanistan to J & K after 1989 and keeping them well motivated and well-equipped."