Reprick O'really? is at it again
Enraged American
(276 posts)
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Mon Sep-15-03 07:07 PM
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Reprick O'really? is at it again |
HAHAHHA! His talking points was about how a California Court ruled that the recall would have to be postponed to get new ballots. Wanna know what Bill O'Really? thinks the recall is?
Oh God, I can't say this with a straight face.
Are you ready?
He calls it: "the will of the People."
I think Bill should become a comedian because he is very funny. I like his sense of irony. As if the recall was a grassroots popular movement.
Very funny stuff.
Michael Savage will be on his show tonight (that's the anti-semitic Jew who told a caller to "get AIDS and die" in a homophobic rage).
Enraged American
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Mon Sep-15-03 07:22 PM
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1. Now he is back to dissing France |
He must have some agenda to detest the French so much. Well I love France, and his hatred makes me love the French even more.
Tough luck, Oreilly.
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Mon Sep-15-03 07:22 PM
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2. Hey, Ahnold called it ze vill uf ze people too! |
They must be reading from the same script. I'm shocked. Shocked, I say.
Enraged American
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Mon Sep-15-03 07:38 PM
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Mon Sep-15-03 07:55 PM
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4. Add to the list of knee-slappers |
Tom(?) McClintock - who, I must say, looks deranged - said delaying the recall is "authoritarian."
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Mon Sep-15-03 07:55 PM
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5. Caution: the o'really factor is a health hazard. |
Known to damage brain cells with its spinning egocentrism. Adding the savage weiner will cause eyes to explode.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:06 AM
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