I'm checking roll call for the Senate today and I've noticed that 5 votes are missing from most votes on September 10th and 4 of them are demo candidates for president:
First, although I'm a Dean supporter I've also have quite vocally stated that I have no problem voting for any of the other democratic candidates out there. In fact John Kerry rates pretty high on my list of candidates. However, I noticed that on September 10th it seems that Kerry, Graham Edwards and Lieberman missed a great deal of the votes that day. We didn't lose anything signficant, but 4 missing senators in a tightly divided senate can make a major impact. Days that all 4 of them out might be a great opportunity for Repukes to try and pass a bill that they might lose a few moderate republicans to our side
It would be nice if these candidates would make it a point to not be out all at once and even minimize the amount of time campaigning so they will be available to vote on the floor. First and foremost these people were elected to do a job in DC and we are in dire need of their votes (hey even Lieberman has supported good causes like the Democratic filibusters against right-wing judges).