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Good advice to Dem candidates, from Pookastew

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Raenelle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-16-03 11:43 AM
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Good advice to Dem candidates, from Pookastew
Got this from this new blog:

"The Democratic candidate will get elected who promises to sign–immediately upon taking the oath of office–executive orders that:

1. Release all government documents relating to 9/11, including the ones relating to the Justice Department's decision to switch Attorney General John Ashcroft from commercial to private jets two months before 9/11.

2. Release all government documents relating to vice-president Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force.

3. Reverse the Bush executive order which gave the vice-president the authority to classify documents on his own.

4. Reverse the Bush executive order which changed the laws governing the release of presidential papers, and effectively undermined the FOIA and put his own father's papers out of public reach.

Make this promise now–loudly and repeatedly–and you will not only take the race away from the other Democratic candidates, you'll put the Bush administration on the defensive on yet another front. Because they can't release those documents, and they can't defend not releasing them."
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fob Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-16-03 11:51 AM
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1. You know, sometimes things are really just this simple.
Kudos to Pookastew and props to Raenelle for recognizing sound reasoning.

I would add to that list, a promise to NOT pardon any of the current administration. (This is probably too divisive but I would LOVE to hear it nonetheless)

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