There's been quite a bit of this lately over there on several different threads. Of course there are a great deal of Bush bots, but still, makes for interesting reading at times.
From: will probably have to leave along with Rummy, Powell, and Condi before this thing is through.
2 posted on 09/16/2003 10:39 AM EDT by JohnGalt (If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line.)
The Atta in Prague meeting is discredited. We know he was in the US at the time in Virginia Beach, so we know that the meeting didn't take place, at least when it was alleged to have happened.
I do find it insulting that Cheney would bring that crap up, when we KNOW that Saudi Arabia has it's hands in 9-11. We have much more evidence of Saudi complicity than Iraqi complicity. But, they are our friends.
10 posted on 09/16/2003 10:59 AM EDT by dogbyte12
15 of 19 were not coming from Iraq now were they?
I am not disputing that Hussein is evil, and Iraqis shouldn't be thankful to get rid of that S.O.B. I just am still waiting for the evidence that Iraq and Saddam Hussein were more complicit than Saudi Arabia in supporting Osama Bin Laden.
Since the WMD hunt has turned up bupkis, the major rationale for Iraq now appears to be their link to Osama. Since the Saudi link is stronger, does that mean we invaded the wrong country?
17 posted on 09/16/2003 11:06 AM EDT by dogbyte12
You're right.
My point should have been that Presidents, both Republican and DemocRAT have supported murderous despots when it was convenient and disposed of them when they outlived their usefulness.
The names may change, but the game remains the same.
23 posted on 09/16/2003 12:07 PM EDT by Ol' Dan Tucker
If he was our enemy, why is Rummy shaking Hussein's hand.
Back then, he was our friend in spite of the fact that he was using WMDs on his own people. Back then, we overlooked that fact.
Now, according to some in the administration, it was one of the reasons we went to war.
So, friends and enemies is a very fluid game dependant upon Presidential needs.
28 posted on 09/16/2003 2:58 PM EDT by Ol' Dan Tucker
Well, he did. Russert asked him about the poll that 70% of Americans believe Saddam was involved in 9/11. Cheney said that he "could see how they reach that conclusion" and then started reeling this stuff off.
It really pisses me off when so-called conservatives start hair-splitting like Clinton.
29 posted on 09/16/2003 4:00 PM EDT by lugsoul (And I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin on the mountainside)