I will just quote from the website:In connection with a legal settlement, you may be eligible for a FREE PC and allowed to purchase up to $100 worth of software paid for by Microsoft®!
Microsoft was found guilty of anti-trust violations based on claims brought by the U.S. Department of Justice.
The $1.1 billion dollar settlement Microsoft may pay is based on the best estimate of the millions of copies of Microsoft operating systems and software products
licensed for use in California for the six year period between February 18, 1995 to December 15, 2001. * Do I have to have receipts as proof of purchase? Are serial numbers or PID (production identification numbers) required?
No. Receipts, Serial Numbers, PIDs, or other paper documents are NOT required for certain claims. (The next pages of the MSfreePC Wizard will help you determine if you qualify without needing receipts, etc.)
* What products qualify?
Qualifying products include Microsoft Windows, MS-DOS, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Works Suite, Home Essentials 97 or 98. These products qualify whether purchased individually or as part of a computer system.