Mrs. Reyes said she had has seen evidence that the Free Republic was "antigay and anti-immigration."
"When intolerance comes to the table, we need to answer that call," she said.
And the big "hate rally" itself?
According to the Bee: "About a dozen people met at Shaw and Blackstone avenues Friday. They listened to country music, waved American flags and held signs asking drivers to honk their horns if they support U.S. soldiers." There was much more to it than. You can watch the whole situation unfold on this thread at IndyMedia: a group called Freepwatch wanted to protest the Freepers picnic, an action most of the organized groups voted down. However, we've seen how Freepers react when cornered. From the link:
There has been discussion in the Fresno media about whether Debbie Reyes did the right thing in her attempt to alert the community to the potential for violence at the Free Republic demonstration. Here are some of the messages we saw in the days leading up to the event. You can decide for yourself whether there was reason for concern about the public’s safety:
"Let's be there in numbers." More teeth to knock out.Assholes.
Many freepers are armed. I wouldn't do this.
Sounds like fun!!! Whuppin' some anarchist ass and showing support for America...
Maybe they'll "protest" much along the same lines as their slovenly (and little-missed) heroine du jour, the late Rachel "Speed Bump" Corrie.
Hey... I'm beginning to see a potential upside to this whole "protest" deal, after all... :)
(Note from Mike Rhodes: Rachel Corrie was murdered at a protest in Israel when she was run over by a bulldozer)
You forgot pro-gun. FR members are PRO-GUN. You guys need to remember that; it's very important. They are PRO-GUN! Some of them consider gun-laws to be unconstitutional. Disrupt at your own risk.
And their knees make easy targets.........
Stuff for picnic by this will be fun Thursday September 11, 2003 at 01:50 PM
Lets see... I got the sodas, the watermelon, fresh batteries for the stun guns, softball bats, pepper spray, my steel toed boots, arm bars, knee bars, chokes, neck cranks, wrist locks, shoulder locks...this should be a fun picnic...I almost hope that these uninvited guests show up.
Do I get to test it out!!!!!! by my new S&W 500 Thursday September 11, 2003 at 02:27 PM
(note from Mike Rhodes - this message contained a .jpg image of various caliber ammunition. Let me know if you would like to see the original)
and this message was sent directly to me:
Subject: We have guns, lots of guns
I wouldn't fool
That's when Reyes stepped in and called them a hate group.
The situation is further aggravated by city leaders partaking in some of this hate speech as well:
The current controversy began when the City Attorney's Office made the e-mails public in response to a request by The Bee. Though Calhoun didn't send controversial e-mails, critics contend, he is culpable because he received Kloose's e-mails and did not discipline her.
In one e-mail, on June 10, Duncan wrote to Kloose: "If I had one dirty bomb ... I could eliminate all the liberals in Fresno at once." The e-mail was written during City Council discussion of the Human Rights Commission's budget for the current fiscal year.
Many HRC supporters are politically liberal and were present in council chambers that day. During the same meeting, Kloose wrote to Calhoun: "If these HRC folks bring down a crowd and get unruly, I'm calling to send over some officers to 'Cap' these guys ;-) "