This is from and I highly endorse it.
Do action alerts like this bug you. I feel like there are a million reasons to call my Congressperson every day but wonder whether my little call will end up doing little good if any.
Anyone else feel that way?
Anyway --- this is one situation where I plan to call my Congressman AND Senators because this sick and twisted bill not only endangers my children's children (not to mention me and my children and wife TODAY) BUT it also pourts money like oil into the bank accounts of the Carlyle and Halliburton BFEE operations of corporate fascism financing our own mutuAL SELF-DESTRUCTION FOR CORPORATE PROFIT BY FASISTS WHO ARE SEEMINGLY BENT ON KILLING MOST OF US!!!
So PLEASE call on this one : a bill to make sweet li'l nukes to be used globally and whose radiation will blow into your kifds genes and get sucked into their bones and lungs if they are ever used.
Here's the call for action: DO IT!!!