Edited on Wed Sep-17-03 02:32 PM by JanMichael
Let me start by saying that I like what I've read about the man and already have him in my top 4 along with Kucinich, Dean and Edwards.
My beef the other day was with calling Clark "Anti-War" (the FAIR article) was one of accuracy in labelling. I take this seriously as I protested in DC, Tampa and Sarasota, to try to stop the Invasion and I never thought Iraq was an Imminant Threat. I saw some attempts to portray Clark as a strident Anti-War/Anti-Iraq Invasion candidate, and while he's a good one now, I honestly believe that he thought that Iraq was a threat (Thus didn't argue so much over the act itself but the planning of an act that he did't necessarily oppose) which was, is, and always will be a mis-take.
I refuse to permenantly hold that against him, I'd simply like the issue addressed sometime in the near future, is that too much to ask?
OK, back to Healthcare, what will he propose to do about our 42,000,000 perpetually un-insured citizens and the 100,000,000 ones un-insured for more than three months a year?
This is a serious issue that needs some serious actions.
Where does he stand? For the Status Quo or is he the man to bring America into the 20th Century in regard to Universal HC?