I posted this late last night when I read the story so I'm just copying my words over again. I highly doubt we'll find any legitimate news source out there that can prove that Bush said "Saddam was behind 9/11"
Sure, Bush said that "saddam harbors Al-Qaeda" and he's probably said "Al-Qaeda was behind 9/11". But I'm pretty sure that he's never merged that entire sentence together. But you know - here's what I posted yesterday - the word games played by BFEE!
Condi is talking about the connection between Hussein and those that committed the atrocities of 9/11. The quote from the speech that Angel posted is excellent HOWEVER, in a court of law all that was ever said is that Hussein was HARBORING terrorists incluidng Al-Qaeda. Absolutely no mention that he was funding the ones who committed 9/11.
Unfortunately it's a word game and damn if these folks aren't the masters at it. When that statement was made (or as Bush would say - 'It's only 26 words')
Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications and statements by people now in custody reveal that Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of Al Qaida the fact was Hussein and terrorists including Al Qaeda were on friendly terms but as Condi said - no mention of 9/11.
But with the Bush/Media Word Game, they knew they didn't have to mention 9/11. They just had to make 2 separate statements that were somewhat related and let the media connect the dots for them. The hardcore shrills like Coulter and Limbaugh pick this up which then moves on to the Fox Shrills like Hannity & O'Reilly. They take was said Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications and statements by people now in custody reveal that Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of Al Qaida and they push the envelope. These shrills take a simple logic statement and expanded it to the
A=B=CBush implied that Hussein(A) is a terrorist because he has aids and protects terrorists, including members of Al Qaida(B).
Now we've seen enough articles out there that have said that Al Qaida(B) were the terrorists behind 9/11(C).
However it's highly doubtful that we'll find any official quotes out of the Bush Regime that have ever Hussein (A) behind 9/11(C).
Still with me, btw that basic logic stuff was from a great class I took in college.
So we have 3 variables:
- Hussein(A)
- terrorists, including members of Al Qaida(B)
- 9/11(C)
The media usually with the hardcore shrills like Limbaugh and Coulter simply assume if Hussein(A) protects terrorists, including members of Al Qaida(B) and terrorists, including members of Al Qaida(B) caused 9/11(C) then through basic logic of:
A=B=CHussein must have caused 9/11.Bush never had to say that exact sentence, he just need those shrills to pick it up and start harping on it. Then Fox and their shrills start annoucning it and finally mainstream wannabes like CNN and MSNBC will start talking about it.
But more importantly is the public hears this message and assumes that our media is telling them the truth. Then next thing you know you're neighbor is plastering flags all over their front lawn and SUV because god forbid you must be "Unpatriot" if you don't support this war in Iraq because the media is saying that
Hussein(A)=terrorists, including members of Al Qaida(B)=caused 9/11(C)Condi is just telling us the facts. Thanks to the Media they got the whole nation getting all warm, fuzzy and patriotic and happy to support Bush and his war because they felt that it was "justified" since somewhere someone actually took 2 seperate statements and merged them into one.
(BTW, Franken talks about the chain of command when it comes to how these lies grow and fester starting from the hardcores like Limbaugh/Coulter and eventually ends up in mainstream news. I added the Basic Logic stuff)