Rummy said it. Cheney said it. And now the Pathetic Puppet of Pennsylvania Avenue has said it: "ahhhh, search me, I didn't mention any connection between Saddam and 9/11---who said that?-huh--anybody here, say that?? Naw there wasn't any connection"!!!!
I've heard so many of these fools call into C-Span Washington Journal or their slicko, sicko talking heads scream that we Dems are such stupid bastards who need to get a clue and start fighting to defend the US of A, blah, blah. AND then they have the audacity to tell us we MUST support our president!!! And now they have found out that the boys lied to them. Do you think that now the brain cells might kick in and they might think that he lied about a few other things, too, i.e, WMDs, tax cuts for the rich will make them rich also, the truth about 9/11 and just about every utterance out of the mouths of these slime??? I mean after awhile even the most defensive parent has to sober up and realize their kid is a monster!! If they ever pull that crap phrase on you of "having to support our president", stick your face close to theirs and ask "why---has he ever told me the truth"?? Wonder what spin Rush and the like are trying to wash into those brains as we speak........