Coming up on Faux(8:12pm)
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Wed Sep-17-03 08:14 PM
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Coming up on Faux(8:12pm) |
Hannity and Colmes will "debate" Clark's chances after joining the race late. To add to the fun, Ann "FEED ME" Coulter will put in her two cent's worth. It should be good for a few laughs at least.:puke:
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Wed Sep-17-03 08:20 PM
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1. It will be hard for Clark coming in late |
He had better start fund raising in a very aggressive manner if he wants to catch up.
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Wed Sep-17-03 08:26 PM
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4. Clinton entered the race in October '91 |
even later than Clark has done. This is only a problem in the eyes of the punditocracy.
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Wed Sep-17-03 08:21 PM
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I wish there was such a thing as "negative ratings" for TV - as in "If I categorically object to watching this show, ratings will DROP by one" :grr:
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Wed Sep-17-03 08:22 PM
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3. The "Smut Slut" Coulter |
is not funny anymore and charges should be filed against her. We act like everyone in the whole world should bow and scrape to bush. If someone calls bush a moron (from another country) we ask them to resign. "Smut Slut" should resign from the human race for she is not one.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:08 AM
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