Whichever candidate you support - this is an important opportunity to show the media we are too well-informed now to tolerate any more reporters lying.
We all know that the "Gore exaggerates" lie was created and fanned by the media, and that it hurt his standing among some people. (Gore never implied he invented the internet or that he was the inspiration for a character out of Love Story - but lots of people thought he did imply these things, because the media falsely claimed that he did.)
Well, now the media is at it again - already trying to plant the idea of Clark as a liar. This time, it's conservative columnist George F. Will who erroneously claimed in a recent column that Clark told a lie. The column appeared in the Washington Post, and it has been syndicated in many other papers as well.
In his article, George F. Will lies twice: First, he reorders Clark's earlier quotes from Meet The Press (about getting calls asking him to link 9/11 to Iraq) to take them out of context and then call Clark "deranged." Then, in response to Clark's statement that one of the calls came from "a Middle East think tank in Canada", George F. Will falsely states that there are no Middle Eastern think tanks in Canada - when in fact there are several (which anyone can verify by googling).
We need to let the media know that we won't tolerate them telling lies in order to paint an honest candidate as a liar.
I think a few phone calls and emails to the Washington Post might go a long way towards showing that We the People aren't going to put up with this kind of stuff anymore. Whether you speak to a human being or just leave a voicemail, trust me, you will have an impact. Tell the Washington Post that you know George F. Will was lying, and respectfully request a retraction or correction. If enough people do this, they WILL get the message.
Here's some people you can contact at the Washington Post:
Bo Jones, Publisher, jonesb@washpost.com, 202.334.6505
Fred Hyatt, Editorial Editor, 202.334.7471
Mike Getlter, Ombudsman, 202.334.7582
Kim Oster, osterkm@washpost.com, who works for...
Alan Shearer, Editorial Director/General Manager, Washington Post Writers' Group, 800.879.9794
Here's some bloggers who are covering George F. Will's lie: