PAt Robem$ome LOVES hurricanes. The reason for this is every hurricane that is heading towards the United States is a win-win gambit for him. HE CANNOT LOSE.
Many people scoff at him calling for his followers to pray that God diverts the course of the hurricane. He has claimed success with these prayers numerous times whenever a high pressure system is far enough out into the Atlantic that the backside flow pulls the hurricane up along the East Coast without it making landfall.
So what happens if the prayers fail such as with the case of Isabel? Simple, he merely claims that the prayers of the righteous were not strong enough to overcome God's Wrath at this nation allowing abortion and the homosexual agenda. That lesbianism, homosexuality, abortion, non-Christians, and Pagans are all respoonsible because they've made God angry.
Like I said, this is no bet on Robem$ome's part. This is a sure thing for him. He's been pulling this particular scam for at least a quarter century that I know of.