And to do that they must now make it clear that it wasn’t Iraq. They will take the short term hit so that they can stop Clark with the charge later. The problem is that they are going to lose more public trust on this than they calculate. The public memory is very short, but this is different.
I know one thread in Freeperville does not a new talking point make, but it does make sense.
....................................... JohnGalt
Kosovo had more to do with 9/11 than Iraq and you're calling me a tin foil hat conspirist? hahahah
Well, if you aren't satisfied with the reams of linkages between Iraq, AQ and 9/11, then you can certainly understand why I am not satisfied with your contention that "Kosovo and the KLA had more to do with 9/11 than Saddam ever did".
You sleep tight too - you'll need to unwrap the tinfoil from your head which is obviously wound a little too tightly.
52 posted on 09/17/2003 7:33 AM PDT by Peach (The Clintons have pardoned more terrorists than they ever captured or killed.)
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To: Peach
If you ever decide to get serious, here is a good place to start--not that you will, but for others who are lurking. Introduction:
These articles focus on activities in Kosovo and Albania by Osama bin Laden and his crowd of Islamic Fundamentalist terrorists, allying themselves with the KLA --Kosovo Liberation Army-- from the summer of 1998 on.