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MUST READ: FORGOTTEN 9/11--INS screwed up when it let in 9/11 mastermind

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LuCifer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-18-03 01:18 PM
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MUST READ: FORGOTTEN 9/11--INS screwed up when it let in 9/11 mastermind
Edited on Thu Sep-18-03 03:23 PM by Skinner

Ask yourselves THIS: WHY in the HELL is this NOT on the FRONT PAGE of EVERY SINGLE LAST NEWSPAPER ON EARTH, instead of being on Page 10 of a South Florida *FREE* paper??? Well? Teacher! Pick ME! ME! I know! It's because...


Bottom line: We NEED to get this GODDAMN SON OF A BITCH (and his criminal gang) VOTED OUT OF OFFICE COME NOV. 2004! WE CAN NOT AFFORD TO CONTINUE DOWN THIS ROAD TO COMPLETE AND UTTER RUIN. BOTH, yes, you heard me, that was NOT a typo, BOTH "President" George W. Bush (,1282,-3159707,00.html ) AND Rummy, have now admitted what EVERY thinking, intelligent human has already know from the get-go: THERE WAS *NO* IRAQ - 9/11 CONNECTION. The WHOLE WORLD (save for our "coalition": Great Britian...and...and...) HATES US thanks to the twisted ways of Bush and PNAC. WE THE PEOPLE, yes, that's right, WE THE PEOPLE, MUST, take a stand, GET IN THE STREETS, and let the REST of the WORLD know that we are AGAINST hate, greed and idiocy of this "administration". WE, and get EVERYONE we know as well, MUST VOTE EN MASSE FOR THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE IS, IN 2004, OR WE ARE SCREEEEEEEEEEEEWED HARD!


Forgotten 9/11 The INS screwed up when it let in the September massacre's mastermind BY BOB NORMAN; From the Week of Thursday, September 11, 2003

Two years after the attacks on America, the populace still doesn't know the truth about terror ringleader Mohamed Atta's entry into the country.

It was illegal.

Immigration agents shouldn't have admitted the Egyptian national at Miami International Airport on January 10, 2001. Records show he was allowed to enter as a student on an expired tourist's visa. The first immigration inspector at MIA to question Atta recognized these facts and singled him out for further grilling. But after a 30-minute interview, secondary inspector Robert Wilson gave Atta, who was the pilot of the first airliner that struck the World Trade Center, a big break: He let him through.

The immigration authority, which since has been broken into three agencies and is now overseen by the Department of Homeland Security, continues to deny that Atta was improperly admitted. And the Justice Department basically let the agency off the hook in an investigation last year.

EDITED BY ADMIN: COPYRIGHT | originally published: September 11, 2003
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Occulus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-18-03 01:48 PM
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1. Um, wow.
I just learned a lot about Atta and his friends at the INS.

This is definitely worth the read.
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