How do you support the troops? Do we not make our voice heard about the war? Do we not write letters to the editor about the war being wrong? Do we not make comparisons to other wars of aggression? Do we not criticize the manner in which the war is being conducted?
As a common citizen, all we can do to "support the troops" is to argue for better conditions, better pay, better benefits for those fighting and those who have fought and maybe send off care packages. Beyond that, in my mind supporting the troops is asking for the situation to be resolved.
When the troops shoot civilians, I will damn well criticize their actions. When they bomb civilian targets, I will criticize them. If those actions were accidents I will regret the actions and I will demand accountability as to why those accidents occurred. But to walk around and wave a flag and say "I support our troops" is a bullshit statement that is meaningless as anything but a political ploy from those in power who will take this as tacit support for their leadership.
I feel terrible for those who joined our Armed Services in order to serve their country and to protect it. They joined with the best of intentions and with thoughts towards making a better life for themselves and for their fellow citizens. Instead they have been used to start a war of aggression, to fight that war under false pretenses, to occupy a foreign land with no apparent exit strategy and to do all of this in the name of liberty and freedom. On top of this they have had benefits cut, tours of duty extended, pay cuts, and live in constant danger. I support their decision to serve and I support a change in leadership so that the sacrifices they make will once again have real meaning.