How scared are the Republicans of Wesley Clark? You can judge by how dirty their tactics become. Remember Mike Dukakis’ alleged history of mental illness? That one had the Republicans working on a rumor circulated by supporters of Lyndon LaRouche. Remember John McCain’s out-of-wedlock black child? His breakdown under torture in Vietnam? What about Bill Clinton’s out-of-wedlock black child? The gun-running/drug deals and murders he caused at Mena airport in Arkansas? And Al Gore was the serial liar. Yeah, right. Get ready, General.
George Will began it weeks ago. (Here’s the original.) Now check out this op-ed by Ralph Peters in Murdoch’s New York Post. There’s also a cartoon on Page Six, which is not online, that depicts the Democrats in straightjackets. (Meanwhile, my buddy Richard Cohen addresses this issue rather more sensibly this morning, but still edges a little close to the Republican trap for my taste.) Anyway, I sure would like to see Clark kick a little ass on the use of these tactics. Democrats have rolled over for too long.
Speaking of people who need their (metaphorical) butts kicked, but good, Ralph Nader whines, “Old-timers years ago would have wondered what the Mayor means by marketing NYC. Cities were viewed more benignly when they were more livable, more employable at good wages, more replete with public institutions like good libraries, good public transit, good schools, good hospitals and clinics and good recreational facilities in the neighborhoods. New York City is crumbling on these measurements.”
Hey Ralph, no one, and I mean no one on the planet, is more responsible for the deterioration in the quality of life of my city than you are, bud. All you had to do was say, “I ran a great race and thanks for your support but this guy Bush is scary. Vote for Al, not me and we’ll we what we can get at the bargaining table….” But no, you wanted to elect Bush. And you did. Congrats.