I put conservatives in quotes because they don't seem to conserve anything. I'm ranting. I will now return to your question.
First, a "flat tax" is a "proportional tax." The other idea of taxation is "progressive tax" where the percentage increases as more money is made.
No one seems to say this, but, even the flat tax is progressive. Huh, what, how, I hear you bellow. Well, for the first $10,000 the percentage is zero, then the percentage increases to 10%. It then stays at 10%. It seems fair even to heartless Republicans because people need to EAT. It's called being FAIR. Not that I find the flat tax fair, I don't. I think it should be even more progressive since many items needed to live increase as wage increases. Such as an executive/manager needs more expensive clothes and a better more reliable car, expenses which are necessary to do their jobs.
A "regressive tax" decreases the percentage as more money is made. Social Security is an example of this. 7.65% is taken out of your pay, BUT, twice that, 15.3% is sent in by your employer... until you make over $100,000 at which point the rich little buggers don't pay any more. (Actually, the number is somewhere over $90,000 in a year and is probably picked to make sure that discussions such as this one become tiresome and tricky to express especially if one, like me, cannot remember the exact 5-digit number. Also, the Medicare portion which I think is 2.9% inside the 15.3% continues to be paid over $100K, but, I'm not sure.) It is still regressive since the more money one makes, once over $100K in a year, the percentage they pay is less and less and less. Since the wealthy pay a percentage lower than we poor under $100K a year folks in order to support SS payments for the disabled and yet they reap the benefit of not having to support the disabled, I call this regressive tax unfair. WORSE, is that a person making one dollar can have this taken out of their pay which is terribly unfair. (No self-respecting employer would, the first $600 is ignorable, but, it could still be taken out if the employer or employee wants it taken out.)
Taxes are frustrating, complex and just plain impossible to understand let alone describe. So many people are in different situations that no one method is fair, and if it was, I'd bet it wouldn't be fair next year.
So, kindly fight back. Yes, Democrats are "tax and spend" which is to say we pay as we go. Republicans are "borrow and blame." Huge deficits children must pay, and then they blame Clinton. By the way, Clinton's military did a fine job in Afghanistan and Iraq. Too bad Clinton hadn't forseen that Bush would not have made plans about what to do after Clinton's military won and now we are in a big Bushy mess. Yup, Clinton got sex outside of his marriage. Too bad he didn't take drugs like Bush did since cocaine lowers the sex drive. And, Clinton mislead us about his affair, though technically telling the truth about sexual relations as defined in Washington D.C., and was impeached for misleading, not impeached for lying, but, misleading, like Bush mislead us in the State of the Union about Iraq's weapons of mass distruction technically telling the truth that the Brits had information, only, why is it that Bush is not being impeached for misleading us, lying to Congress is a felony, hmmmm, just why isn't he being impeached.