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Republicans don't support the troops, they have them killed.

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Robin Hood Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-18-03 11:03 PM
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Republicans don't support the troops, they have them killed.
Accidentaly posted this in LBN earlier, Mods please forgive.

I can't believe that I just heard on local hate radio, some repug saying that the Dem's are continuing their un-american behavior, and that we continue to not support our troops and the marvelous job that they are doing.

My God!! I can't believe that they are still throwing around this transparent bullshit. How are you supporting the troops? You're not! You evil repugnants do nothing but kill the troops and anyone else in your way.

When they say "Dem's don't support the troops", what they really mean is "Dem's don't support our stupid president". That's right we don't support your stupid president, look at the mess that he has made.

Republicans have done nothing to support the troops, except offer them hollow, jingoistic, lip service, as they send them to their deaths.

Where as us Dem's have done everything possible to support the troops. millions of people here and abroad, out in the streets, protesting and getting arrested in defense of the troops and the countless of innocent lives that will be butchered and wasted. WE!! Are the ones who support our troops. We!! Are the ones who want our brothers and sisters to come home.

WE!!! Support our troops. They!! kill them for their political and financial gain. It is the repugnants who want to tear this country apart with their racist, classist agenda. It is they who are un-american.
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classics Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-18-03 11:05 PM
Response to Original message
1. To a neo-con, 'troops' are just combat employees.
Getting them killed is just the cost of doing business to them... just employee turnover.
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virtualobserver Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-18-03 11:07 PM
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2. I think that the people in this country are catching on..
They will soon despise the Republicans for what they have done.
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Prodemsouth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-18-03 11:20 PM
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3. Very good, very simple line.
It is simplistic, but that is the only way to reach the American Public.
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caledesi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-18-03 11:23 PM
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4. We support the troops! We just don't want them killed!
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Robin Hood Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-18-03 11:59 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. It has never been about us not supporting the troops.
Due to the right wing media echo chamber, they directed the dialog up to and into the war. They're the ones who squashed dissent by painting us as traitors.

When in fact it is they who have betrayed this country. When the revolution comes, I will enjoy watching the media whores hanging from the street lights.
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