I'm not against all the candidates, but some cannot be elected because they are too divisive, even in our own party, as you can see from some of the postings on DU. Other candidates are just too inexperienced and others just can't stand up to the right wingers' constant attacks. The main argument isn't just about electing a Democrat, but electing a Democrat who can fix the mess that bush and Co. have made of our country and the world. What good will it do to have a Democrat in office who is not able to take on these massive problems and still be able to stand up to the rabid right wing attack that they will launch non stop? The only person, other than Clinton, with that kind of experience is Gore. He has been there before. He came into a mess that bush sr. made and endured constant attacks from the right wingers. Most importantly, Gore is liked worldwide almost as much as Clinton. He has the ability to heal the wounds that bush has inflicted on all countries. The leaders and their people know and respect him. He has the knowledge and business savvy that can repair the economy, social services, healthcare etc. And most importantly, he is not tied to the corporations. He is an advocate for finding other energy resources, which is at almost a critical stage. Oil is the reason we are in such a mess and he knows this better than anyone. Another factor you must consider is, the Senate and Congress will more than likely be controlled by the Republicans. We must have someone who knows how to deal with this huge obstacle. Gore knows how and the others do not.
Gore is also the only person who can beat bush, period. He did it once before. Wesley Clark would be a perfect Vice President (as far as I know). He is a military man who was a former Commander of Nato forces. Which means that other countries know who he is and some of their forces served under him. He was also the military adviser with CNN during the war in the late night hours here in the US, but whose face and voice was on CNN during the prime news morning hours in the rest of the world. He got a lot of exposure and he was very respectful towards the Iraqi' military. Believe me, people remember who is respectful and who is insulting when it comes to news coverage. With the WW3 that bush has started, Clark would be a perfect VP with his background and military intelligence. He has global experience that is certainly going to be needed. And I believe because of his experience, he could weather anything that the right wingers do to him. He would draw quite a few military minded voters. Of course, the first thing that has to be done before any Democrat can win is to make sure that the republicans do not tamper with the voting. This may be a hurdle that we can't overcome because they are installing the heinous touch screen machines everywhere. Just look at Georgia. We may never again control the White House or the Congress. That will truly be Armageddon then and this planet will be toast. We should have massive Cheating Voting Machines protests. If all the people would get on target and have massive protests about these machines, then the media and the people would actually know what's going on. It would at the least put a damper on the cheating. People in other countries would protest for us too. They dislike bush and co. almost as much as we do. He has affected their lives too. They would probably unite with us on the issue of not letting bush and co. steal another election. Well, these are my best suggestions for a better future. Of course Gore and Clark would have to be willing. I think if the Democratic Party approached them with the idea, they might do it. At no other time in their lives, has this country needed them more than it does now. If they are the men that I think they are, they would do this with open arms. It is the best solution for this country as it stands now. I know that you have your favorite candidate but lets be realistic here, you all know in your deepest conscience, that the only person who has a shot of beating bush is Gore. With Clark as a VP, I believe that they would be absolutely unbeatable. Instead of arguing here about why your candidate is good, and then bashing the other candidates, we should all be putting pressure on the DNC and Gore, to get Gore to run. The DLC are the ones who decided that Gore wasn't to run and forced him out of the race. Well we can all see now that this was one huge and major mistake. Which is about all the DLC does now. They do not control me or the Democratic Party and its time that we stopped them in their tracks. If we don't, then we will be become like the republicans, controlled by a handful of corporations, who will have us all goose-stepping to their orders.
Remember, this isn't just about electing a Democrat, it's about electing a Democrat who can actually solve the mess that bush made and move forward into the future. It's about making a world that can have a chance at peace, with human rights and equality for everyone. It's about taking the corporations out of the government. Gore can do that. The other candidates just don't have the experience or background to undertake this massive project.