Well, not my house, but to where I work. It's a public event, and hey, it's at the Aquarium--that's fun! Press release:
On Monday morning, Senator Jeffords of Vermont, who is chair of the Senate Environment Committee, will be hosting a series of events on the increasing health concerns of mercury contamination in fish.
He will begin his day at 9 a.m. when he joins a group of students from the Uphams Corner Charter School on the whale watch boat for a short trip in the harbor. There, educator John Anderson will present some portable exhibits that he has developed on mercury contamination. The boat will return to the aquarium at 10:15.
At 10:30 a.m., there will be a press conference on the new South Pier. Joining Sen. Jeffords will be Sen. Kennedy of Massachusetts, Congressmen Capuano and McGovern of Massachusetts, and Massachusetts Attorney General Tom Reilly. Ed Toomey will make the welcoming remarks. The rain space will be top deck of the Discovery.
The press conference is the public part. If the weather's nice the south pier is a great spot to hang out--help show support for environmentalist senators!
(Hey, not ALL posts have to be dedicated to the Clark wars!)