Hmmm. So you started a website to mock a politician, Dennis Kucinich.
And you're a Republican? Who bashes those you don't agree with calling them names? I've never seen this before. I mean...It's bad enough that AM radio is filled with this ideological and narrow-minded garbage, but now its on Domains that purport to be in support of a candidate...A parody it is called. OK. He’s a “communist, baby-killing, carrot-chomping, opportunist who is DANGEROUS and who drove us to war with Iraq with his so-called peace efforts” you say.
Other than this being the musings of a nincompoop and un-objective political verbal masturbation you do nothing to explain WHY Kucinich is a communist, and what babies he killed (I assume because he is pro-choice he is a zygote…err, baby killer) and because he has chosen in this “free” (until people like you get control) society to be vegan you choose to mock that lifestyle as well. Of course, none of this was rational argument on why Kucinich is “dangerous”, you just make statements matter-of-factly and expect to be taken seriously by anyone other than “ditto-heads”. Further, Kucinich has little chance to win the nomination. He is tracking at 1, 2%, but your disdain for this man compels you to spend time doing this.
Of course he is a communist, yet you aren’t enlightened enough to see your own fascism at work. (And spare me the German National Socialism bullshit). You people don’t have any real ideals, principles or visions. You right-wing hustlers have two things in mind: Power and Ideology. That’s it. Even if it means your “great” President will increase funding for federal programs and the Republicans in Congress will work to “save” medicare and Medicaid for the long term (big government programs that THE PEOPLE want)…in essence, the right is WILLING to support certain big government programs such as to add this to the cadre of fundamentalist zealots gaining even more power…at which point you can insurrect your will on the rest of the nation by making us say “God”, put monuments in the courthouses, teach Christianity in the schools and wave our flags of nationalistic jingoism. At that point…As Hitler did…The real façade of the right will be exposed…complete with one party rule, the persecution of undesirables and the ever merging of government and corporate America. That is your America and you’re too fucking stupid to see it.
Should I start an anti-Tom DeLay site detailing this grossly hypocritical Christian Conservative? Or should I just wait for the sun to shine on America’s own version of the Taliban and let you folks shoot your own selves in the self-dedicatory foot? Meanwhile, you can do what all Jesus Conservatives do and fight to keep God on the dollar bill (a proverbial waste of time), or fight to keep the death penalty legal and to continue to fight to support wars in this world as opposed to what Jesus REALLY taught: Helping those less fortunate, peace (yea, really), compassion, empathy, etc. The God I pray to must not be the same one you pray to. Mine isn’t a hypocrite with a lust for blood, revenge, vengeance, judgment and hatred.
You and your ilk’s hatred of democracy is what is so unusual. Despite my issues with right-wing nutjobs like Tom DeLay, the people in that district selected him, he brings another point of view (no matter my paradigm) to the table.
I support another candidate, but rest assured it is with the full attention of getting Bush removed from the White House in 2004. As long as the Democrats don't implode (possible) he will be gone. He is hapless as a President, corrupt and a liar.
But I digress. Republicans have two things going for them: Hatred and Arrogance. You hate anything Liberal and believe you are right and aren't intelligent enough to realize there are other views in this world and you may not be right about every damn thing.
So...congrats on the site which is most likely used to inspire incoherent responses from pissed of Kucinich supporters, but I recognize his voice (just like the voice of your feeble moronic heroes) should be heard.