Edited on Fri Sep-19-03 05:59 PM by WillyBrandt
Clark supporters can (or should) deal with accusations that Clark is too vague or has taken political missteps or that his particular positions are wrong.
What we find totally intolerable is are the claims that:
(1) He is really a Republican (2) He is a PNACer, because he said that while he thought that Perle, et al are totally wrong, he could deal with them as colleagues (3) He is a war criminal (4) He is liked only because he is a General (5) Because he is a General, he is a warmonger along the lines of Feith et al (this really boils my blood. I know a lot of good, liberal patriots in the military.) (6) Because RIGHT AFTER Saddam fell he wrote something positive, that invalidates the far greater criticism he made of the war. (A LOT of anti-war people thought that, after Saddam's fall, "This was a bad idea, but Saddam's fall is good--perhaps a sliver of good can come out of this." But that cannot satisfy the righteousness of the rabid.) (7) Because that lunatic anti-Democratic Clinton-hater Alistair Cockburn of Counterpunch wrote an article about him, he must be Satan's spawn (8) He doesn't count as a "real" Democrat (9) He is a DLC plant, and Clark supporters a mindless lemmings following Al From.
These are all just the sheerest nonsense. Clark supporters get so angry because of the sheer mindlessness of the smears above. We are angry because so many on this board confuse repetition with veracity: Clark is a progressive Democrat who fought about as just and multi-lateral a war as you could fight. But instead we have the drumbeat of "War Criminal" against a good man who can whoop Bush.
I like Clark as an individual, I like his chances of crushing Bush Jr, I like his writings and his speeches, and--the loony bin that is DU aside--I like the possibility that he will help expand and grow the Democratic party.
I like the fact that both grassroots--don't kid yourself, he DOES have real grassroots support--AND the Democratic Establishment like the guy. I wanted a united party, not one damaged by schism--or smear and slander and stupidity coming from the inside out.