at the presidential level, I vote against, for the most part. that's because I know I'm more "liberal" than many Americans, or so it seems, and I vote for the party which seems more interested in social justice, inclusion, and a recognition that government is not a bad thing in and of itself...it is, in fact, what allows us to have at least the semblance or hope of democracy.
actually, I think I'm moderate, as far as the world goes, because I think there is good in both public and private initiatives. however, I must be more fundamental than the fundamentalists in my idea that humans are inherently xenophobic hoarders who need to have regulation to insure some fairness.
I would like a democratic candidate who can offer a vision of a future...via a present in which America invests the same amount of research and commitment to alternative/renewable energy as the key to a sustainable future as Kennedy did with the goal of putting a (hu)man on the moon.
I think an inspiring dem candidate, for me, would position him or herself as someone who will fight the war on terrorism through aggressive initiatives in energy as a form of "self defense" and as a way to get the oil companies to stop controlling the office of the prez.
I would like a prez who supports a strong defense of America by shoring up our own borders and harbors and industries against sabotage, while recognizing nothing is foolproof...and I know it's nearly politically impossible for someone to say nothing is foolproof.
in combination with self defense, I would like a prez who is willing and able to reach out to our longtimes allies and friends to work to make the world a safer place via international accord on issues of terrorism and the Israel/Palestinian issue and who would not be a unilateralist.
I would like a prez who recognizes that it is time for America to join the rest of the modern, civilized world by offering universal health care, a living minimum wage, who would eliminate offshore residency for American corporations, who would educate the American public about the need for a state which is stronger than any corporation to avoid fascism, as FDR realized.
I would like a dem candidate who would repudiate the imperialism of Wolfowitz and Cheney (and sock puppet Bush) and who would use our enormous influence and wealth to create a better world for Americans, and by extension, for the world.