Actually my own political evolution was impacted by the writing of Orwell, Einstein and Russell.
I eventually became a Socialist. I remain a Democrat, and have hopes for the Party's future, but I'm also a card carrying member of the SP-USA.
"I am simply interested in what my fellow readers consider to be the ultimate ambition of their political view."
I would suppose a Cooperative Commonwealth for me.
"Is the Utopia really so bleak as Orwell describes?"
In the sense of keeping the thrill of Life it may very well be bleak. Happy balances are needed I believe.
"Are we as a society even looking for a Utopia?
I think our culture preaches a false Utopia, one of material gain as the measure of Happiness. Our amazing consumption of mood altering pharmacuticals is good evidence that it's a failed idea.
"And if we are not, what necessary evil is required to make society function?"
Ambiguity is a necessity. People need a sense of confusion to keep from melting over the flames of their personal hell. Self contemplation is highly over-rated.
Have you read Einstein's "Why Socialism"?