I, like many other folks on here, post on many messageboards - both political and apolitical. Anyway, I was posting on a messageboard, which has nothing to do with politics, in a thread about the Cali recall process I wrote a message saying about how the President should be recalled - to which I got this reply:
Nobody is going to recall President Bush because as much as you left wing radicalists would like to blame it on him, the economy is not his fault. And our economy is also in a recovery right now if you haven't noticed.
ok, typical right-wing response. Something I usually ignore, but he called me a radical, and I can't stand to be called something I'm not (not that there is anything wrong with radicals ;) )so I replied with this answer which is dripping in sarcasm:
I'm a radical now? (lol)(lol)(lol) cute.
Of course it's not the President's fault, it must be the Republican congress, oh wait, no it's not them...I know, it is Bill Clinton's fault! Bill Clinton managed to trick us hippy left-wing radicals into believing (as we are gullible uneducated sponges) that he was responsible for a near decade of prosperity, but rather he is actually responsible for the downturn that started occuring not long after Shrub came in, just like 9/11 was Clinton's fault, like the *#$& in Iraq is Clinton's fault, like whatever happens next will doubtless be Clinton's fault.
I'm sorry I ever doubted you, you have brought me back into the light, I'm ready to go back to watching Fox news and posting at FreeRepublic like an intelligent person, and not some radical.
Re-elect Shrub! :D
Then he dribbled this crap:
The economic prosperity we had in the 90's was in no way brought about by Clinton. It was a direct cause of what was put in place by Reagan and Bush Sr. in the 80's. Infact he went so far as to trick the voters into thinking we were still in a recession when infact we were pratically out of it. Nonetheless, the shameless, dispicable bastard took credit for it when he didn't do a damn thing make it better in the first place.
9/11 was Clinton's fault because of what he allowed to happen to our Nation's security and Military. National security was so lax under Clinton's administration that these muslims radicals were able to get in to this country illegally, train in pilot schools with FAKE visas, penetrate airport security, commandeer 4 airplanes, and kill 4,000 people. Not that you can really think that a command in chief who states publicly that he loathes his Nation's military, really takes National Security seriously.
Iraq is also Clinton's fault. If he went ahead and authorized the CIA's plan to assasinate Hussein and Son's we wouldn't have to go into long, drawn out campaign in the first place.
Clinton is a dispicable bastard who shouldn't have been elected in the first place because of the S-H-I-T he pulled as the governor of Arkansas. Anyone who has ever crossed paths with Clinton is either dead or in jail. Take Vincent Foster for example.
And about Fox news, well, Fox news in the most objective news service you can watch. They're fair and balanced and tell it like it is. Unlike the liberals at CNN(Clinton News Network) who slant the news to cater to the liberal point of view by making conservatives look stupid, incompetent, and racist.
now i could just let it go, but I dunno, I feel like that would be letting him win on such fallacious points. Any ideas on how I could refute his argument? It would me much appreciated.
p.s. sorry for the long post.