Edited on Tue May-31-05 09:14 PM by DancingBear
(I am sure that many here will disagree with these sentiments, but I can no longer let bygones be bygones as The Rapture beckons)
“Now’s the time to say goodbye to friends and family…”. -The Mouseketeers-
It used to be fun, in a curious sort of way, to sit on opposite sides of the political fence, each side cheering for what the other side despised, yet able when all was said and done to walk off and fight again tomorrow. I used to be able to shake my head at your foolishness, roll my good eyes at your blind ones, and re-read the dictionary definition of “hypocrisy” over and over; for fear that you perhaps had not learned it growing up. It was an ongoing battle of my good vs. your good, but in the end the pendulum always seemed to land in the middle, where it belonged. Back then, while I did not believe in your vision, I could trust in your principle. Today, I must watch my back, lest someone plunge a knife in it while shaking my hand.
Today, you see, is no longer a battle of left vs. right. It is now a battle to bring this country back from the brink, to take it out of the hands of the zealots and back into the hands of the sane. I know where I make my stand, and I need to know where you make yours. So I’m sorry, but I have to ask:
A woman died in Florida a while ago. The Republican Party viewed it as an opportunity, so they say, a “gift from God” sent down to strengthen the Senate majority. The President, who was unable to roust himself from sleep when a tsunami killed hundreds of thousands, somehow found the “make political hay” button on his nightstand right away this time, and interrupted yet another vacation to fly back to Washington. The cynics amongst us would say that this was yet another in a series of Bush stunts, designed solely to keep the fundamental wing happy. Sort of throwing them a tube, you know? Could you explain why now - after 15 years – Mr. Bush has decided that this matters? I know he doesn’t read the papers, but, after all, his brother IS the Governor of Florida. Don’t they ever talk?
Oh, and could you explain to me why Mr. Bush, who (for now, anyway) is so dead set against the removal of artificial means of life support, signed a bill while Governor of Texas allowing the VERY THING he now rails against? In that bill, he granted hospitals sole authority over pulling said plug, predicated entirely on the soon-to-be ex-patients ability to pay. A young 6- month old boy named Sun Hudson was the first “recipient” of then Governor Bush’s largess. He died recently when the life support keeping him alive was removed at a Texas hospital, as his mother had neither Medicaid nor health insurance. Did you know that? Is this what Mr. Bush means when he speaks of compassion? Sorry, but I have to ask.
Does it bother you that 1600 soldiers and counting will never see their families again, and that their deaths were based solely on manufactured and manipulated evidence, and that our Secretary Of State stood before the United Nations and read a laundry list of bold-faced lies that should have ended with the phrase “I’m George W. Bush, and I approved this message”? Does it bother you that when the time came for our so-called commander-in-chief to serve his country he was so afraid that he had his daddy do his bidding for him, and that when the time came to take his National Guard flight physical he was so full of cocaine that he skipped it, then ran (again) to Alabama? Is it a bit unsettling to you that no one ever saw him during his supposed time on that base in Alabama, but today he wears a flag pin and mouths his false bravado to anyone who will listen?
Why are you not red with rage that 3000 people died on September 11th because George W. Bush not only ignored the August 6th PDB, but also ignored 52 warnings from the FAA about terrorists flying planes? When Condi Rice was warned that Osama Bin Laden was the greatest threat to U.S. security, and when Richard Clarke pleaded with her to set up a terrorism task force, where was our great protector? When the planes hit, did the frozen face of utter fear that crept across Our Pet President give you pause? As the precious minutes past, and nary a plane was sent skyward to intercept the airliners, our leader proclaimed gosh darn it he really was trying to call, er, somebody but the darn phones just wouldn’t work. As per his custom, he then ran off and hid in Nebraska. Then, like the killer who shoots your parents and then promises to protect the newly minted orphans, he has the unmitigated gall to define himself as “strong on terrorism.” Is that all it takes these days – a flag pin and a flight suit? Would you sit so idly by if Bill Clinton hit the deck wearing the uniform of the men he sent off to die? I think not, for I remember the “aspirin factory/innocent civilians” hue and cry that rang from right-wing radio for months on end. If your grief is genuine, then why do you not mourn for the thousands of civilians dead in a country that never attacked us, while our great leader doesn’t seem to care that he has lost the trail of a skinny 6’7” murderer lugging around a dialysis machine. How can you answer? I have to ask.
Where is the outrage over fake journalists broadcasting fake news? A male prostitute, pretending to be a reporter and asking pre-planned questions, had access to The White House close to 200 times – did you know that? Unfortunately, I do not know this “reporter’s” stand on gay marriage. Should I ask him? This seems, for some reason, to be an important issue these days, at least to some.
Why is your so-called righteous indignation not pointed squarely at George Bush and Tony Blair, who together concocted the attack on Iraq - using DOCTORED INTELLIGENCE - months before Bush brought it before Congress? America’s sons and daughters – dead. For a lie. I do not know how many of them were gay. Should I ask the parents?
Is religious fundamentalism, as practiced by Bush, worth the cost of medical advancement? If your son or daughter could be helped by stem cell research, do you care that the leader of this nation is so beholden to The Flat Earth Society that he refuses to let said technology advance? Do you care that his “reasons” have nothing to do with saving lives, but rather advancing his own despicable view of what constitutes “Christian” America?
How would you like to be a Muslim in America today?
Yes, there are many questions here, but I need answers. I cannot have my America defiled in such a way, by such a callous oaf as George W. Bush. I am afraid now, for I know what many across the world know. This America is not the America of history books, and of The Lady In The Harbor. Rather, it is a nation of cooking the books, and of The Fool On The Hill.
So, how do you feel? Do you feel cheated, knowing that every word that comes out of the mouth of the puppet is meant to divide, and to control, and to eliminate yet another roadblock in the quest for a theocracy? If you do, then join us, for we have much work to do.
If, however, you still cannot (or will not) see, and you hang your hat on the mantle of deceit and dishonesty, then look for me no more by your side. I will say goodbye, for I can no longer give my friendship to those who look to take away my rights. As you continue to work against your own self-interest, I hope that someday soon I can call you friend once again, and that together we can work to bring back an America where Biblical teachings are practised as intended, and where hatred no longer hides behind a crucifix. Until then, I will leave you by the side of the road, waiting for the car that never comes, although you’ve been promised it will be here at any minute. At some point, even you will realize that you’ll be walking home, thumb outstretched as the caravan rolls by. As he passes, George may even wave. Sadly, you’ll probably wave back.