You Must Be Joking From: --------@hotmail.com To: mail@democraticunderground.com Date: 3/16/2005 7:53 PM Subject: Bill O'Reilly Accusations
Dear Democratic Underground,
I was quite surprised when you posted an article claiming that Bill O'Reilly said on his radio show that he was glad the murdered judge was dead. You did say it was uncorroborated, but it still had impact. When it was found out the claim was obviously false, all you did was delete the article. You have defamed Mr. O'Reilly's character, and the only professional thing to do is to issue a retraction on your website and send Mr. O'Reilly a written apology. Every news group makes mistakes; I just hope you can own up to yours.
Sincerely, Eric ----
DU RESPONDS: Tell you what - I'll send Bill O'Reilly an apology when Bed Bath & Beyond starts selling falafels.
Did I read this correctly? Every news group makes mistakes? Oh, you mean like Dan Rather and Newsweek? Oh, I forgot, those don't count. When one is reporting something that makes the rethugs look bad, it's malicious lies. When it's a rethug who is wrong, opps, they just made a little boo-boo.