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Why they call me a Liberal!

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napi21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-01-05 01:08 AM
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Why they call me a Liberal!
The reactionary right-wingers call me a "liberal" :
I refuse to pretend that racism and sexism no longer exist, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe that "market forces" are some magical panacea, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe cutting the military from being able to blow up the world 10 times over down to only 8 times over is a bad thing, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe "family" means a man ruling over a wife and kids, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe that money magically trickles down from the rich, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe giving a mother food stamps to feed her kids is a waste of money, while buying the air force a billion dollar bomber it doesn't want isn't, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe cutting the taxes of the rich helps the poor, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe Rush Limbaugh has "talent on loan from God", so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe that the profit motive creates virtue in people, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe that "might makes right", so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe the government should control women's reproductive choices, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe that single mothers are necessarily bad parents, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe only northern Europeans have culture, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe a union worker making $17/hr is overpaid while a CEO making $1 million/year is not, so they call me a liberal.
I refuse to ignore the long history of oppression, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe teaching children about cultural diversity is wrong, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe the only good jobs are ones where someone else is skimming off a profit, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe Americans are inherently superior to other nationalities, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe homosexuals are evil, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe non-Christians are evil, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe liberals are subhuman monsters, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe that things are black-and-white, so they call me a liberal.
I don't believe their lies, so the reactionaries call me a liberal.
The more they talk, the more being called a liberal sounds like a compliment.
- Douglas Giles

Clip is from not quite half way down the page.
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Erika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-01-05 01:10 AM
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1. Great post n/t
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BigBearJohn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-01-05 01:20 AM
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2. Love it!
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